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occaisional flat spot

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my g60 has a flat spot when floored :( i say its occaisional but more often than not it does it. If i ease off a bit its ok but still doesn't pick up as quickly as it should. i replaced the blue temp sender (VAG) a while ago to cure bad cold starting which it did but now the problem is creeping back. :?: Do you think it could be a duff vag sender this would be rare would the lambda cause any of these problems? ialso had a rough running problem a while ago when it was running on 3 when it was damp that has fixed itself?? worth mentioning as well. :?

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OK, had a similar prob a while ago (more like a consistantly reproducable juddering at 2500 and 3000 rpm):


Turned out to be my timing was 6° lagging instead of 6° BTDC !!

Also check all ground connections, especially to the ECU (there was some adventurous wiring in my Rado when I got it, eg. ground cable running staright past the engine block then bolted into the engine block on the front :-( ), check all sensors (whilst checking the GND connections), take out the ECU, clean its GND connection and re-insert the ECU.


Check the engine timing marks are all lined up when you check the timing, just in case the dreaded crankshaft pulley woodruff key problem has hit you.


Just some ideas.



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sounds like case of digi-lag is being thrown into your problem here also.


ah ha did a search for digi lag thats the boy thats exactly whats happening when i throttle off and re floor it everything is cool so how do i solve it new chip? do you do generic chips for set mods daz??

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