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About Tempest

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  • Location
    Coventry, UK


  • Interests
    Roccos, Rados, PCs, socialising


  • Occupation
    IT Director
  1. Was a good weekend, highly enjoyable, kept busy on Saturday and Sunday with loads of chat on our stand. Friday even managed to do some work on the C - that's the advantage at this show: You can do some work in a nice and warm hall with excellent lighting. My pics: http://scirocco.edat.co.uk/pictures/PCRS2018/index.html Tempest
  2. 2 Cs on the CCGB stand, followed by one more that I convinced to join us on the stand, pics: http://scirocco.edat.co.uk/pictures/UD2018/index.html Tempest
  3. OK, folks, to get a space on the hardstanding we need to book before 31 December 2017 :) To so so, if you could follow these (simple) instructions: 1. Head over to http://www.realyretroshow.com, click on the menu icon (3 horizontal bars top right of window, and select "Clubs/Display your car" from the resulting menu. 2. Scroll down till you see a big button labelled "SHOW CAR, Click to display". Click on this button :) 3. Click on the "Get tickets" button in the new browser window. 4. Select "All day display (£4.00)" from the pull-down menu under the heading "Ticket type". Click on the Next button. 5. Select whether you want your ticket printed or emailed. Either will be accepted at arrival to the show grounds. Click on Next. 6. Click on the Checkout button. 7. Fill in the fields for email, cell phone, and vehicle make and model, and most importantly answer this question: "Are you attending as part of a Club? If so state Club Name below:". Corrado Club of GB is the correct answer :cheers: 8. (Un)check the 2 tickboxes, and click on the button "Checkout with Paypal". This does allow you to pay by debit card, btw. That's it, you're booked. Tempest
  4. Any more takers for this Midlands-based show? Was good the previous times I went, looked very promising. Can't beat a bit of hard-standing for our treasured Corrados. Tempest
  5. Yes, all spaces filled. Next time have a look on the ccgb website where we were lookung for cars as far back as August this year. Tempest (Eric)
  6. Hi mate, my name is Dan and I am part of a group called dublogic, we host a vw car show every year at the end of may in Suffolk (east anglia). Every year I do my best to get as many corrado's there as possible as I myself have one and love seeing these growingly rare cars all in the same place at once. I have notice that you are responsible for organising the annual corrado meet, so I would like to put forward our show to host the meet in 2018. I am also in regular contact with John at Jmr, he will attending the show for the 2nd year running along with the kw suspension team. I will leave a link to our Facebook page to give you an idea what we and the show are about. We are also on instagram. We Would love to have you and the rest of the club come along next year. Please let me know your thoughts.

    Look forward to hearing from you



  7. Anybody interested in attending the Ultimate Dubs show in Telford in March 2018 (exact dates still to be confirmed - just checking for interest levels)? We haven't been for a few years, so maybe worth trying. Usually need between 3-5 Corrados to get a stand. Ultimate Dubs is now a 1.5-2 day show, meaning you got to drop off your Corrado on Saturday (preferably before afternoon, as it gets very busy just to get in later), public comes in Saturday evening (17:00-21:00), leave it overnight (join in with some social Saturday evening - possibly stay in a local hotel or B&B), and the main day is Sunday (9:00-17:00). Booking for clubs will open soon on the Ultimate Dubs website, usually end of October or shortly after the sister show beginning of November. Tempest
  8. Registration on CCGB events list now open :-) Tempest
  9. Yes, 't is an announcement for the first show in 2018 (!!) Went to this show twice now, once with a few Corrados from the club and enjoyed it. The show takes place on hardstanding (runway) at Seighford Aerodrome, near Stafford, so is located nice and centrally, particular of interest to anybody from the Midlands. It is aimed at any classic cars up to 1999, so covers our Corrados well and truly. To get a free clubstand on hardstanding I will need a minimum of 5 Corrados to sign up by December this year (2017), so please rock up, and join at this new show. Please sign up on the events calendar on the CCGB website. More on this show here: http://www.reallyretroshow.com/ Tempest
  10. Looks like a good day was had, 22 cars, was it? Not bad, though a bit off the figure I had quoted (50), but hey. Any footage from the parade lap? Tempest
  11. This Wednesday is the cut-off for pre-booking tickets. After that you'll have to pay full price, and won't be allowed to join the clubstand any more, I'm told by the organisers of this event. Tempest
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