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Houston we may have a problem.....

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Oh dear. Cranked the VR up this morning to come home after night shift and she was firing on something less than 6. Couldn't really tell how many but it was an unusually lumpy trip :(

But after about 7 miles the rest of them decided to join in again. Revving her up on the drive she picks up fine, but get occasional exhaust popping when I lift off - never really done that before so don't know if that's normal. Anyway, working on the principle of 'what have I done lately' I am hoping it may just be one (or more?) of the new plugs.

But being as how this is a C, it may never happen again.

Fingers crossed eh :lol:

Time for brekky

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Check all the plugs are tight before condemning the leads. Maybe refit 3 of the old plugs by way of trouble shooting.


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I've had this happen to me. I removed the plugs, then refitted them and it never happend again. Think it was some water/damp trapped between the lead and the plug.

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Cheers guys. The old plugs are probably part of a landfill now. Didn't change the leads coz she was running fine. Right now I'll just wait and see what happens tonight.

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The problem is this..


You went to Milton Keynes on Sunday.

My 'Big end bearings' went today, and now im looking at a new engine! :cry:


Seeing as we were both there, its gotta come under the principle of 'what have I done lately'

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Oh shit. Sorry to hear that Baz. You not gonna strip and fix then? Give me a shout if you need a hand as I'm not far away.

Happily, mine has behaved perfectly since Wed morning.

Typical C, just like a woman, always keeping you guessing :lol:

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