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boost return kit on rado

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just had the nasty experience of my charger blowing up :cry: but have managed to get hold of one from C.M.S in derby. but after speaking to steve at pitstop developments he said that i should fit a boost return kit and blanking plate on my charger as any swarf that might not have been cleaned out could get back into the charger and damag it again, but speaking to jabbasport they said i should definitly not put a boost reurn kit on as it chould damage the charger cause it would not be able to breath proerly, they put a fine screen filter in the air bypass pipe instead. anybody got any advice on which is the best way to go thanks.

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Lots of different opinions on the merits / demerits of fitting a boost return kit - speaking personally, I have decided not to go down that route as I have yet to hear of any concrete proof of any advantages it offers. As one of my sources would say "If its such a good idea why didn't VW do it".


I'm certainly not advising you one way or another - speak to a few people and make your own mind up

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I would personaly say vw didnt do as it is noisy!

In different climates you would have to do something with the outlet to prevent freezing and FOD.


The way they did it was the easiest and most practical for an all round application.

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I'd go with Pitstop over Jabba every time on G60 issues these days... ;)


The fine screen is great in theory, but won't catch the smaller metal fragments which WILL get into your charger and destoy it slowly and painfully... :|


Boost return kits DO NOT damage the charger... How can it cause it not to breath properly when that pipe does not feed the charger air when on full throttle anyway? 8)


Ker-plink, there's my 2p anyway...


Sad to hear about your first charger anyway, :( good luck with the new one... 8)


Oh, and VW DID remove the boost return on their rally cars (the Golf Rallye) as it was proven to reduce the boost temps... ;)

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Lots of different opinions on the merits / demerits of fitting a boost return kit - speaking personally, I have decided not to go down that route as I have yet to hear of any concrete proof of any advantages it offers. As one of my sources would say "If its such a good idea why didn't VW do it".


I'm certainly not advising you one way or another - speak to a few people and make your own mind up


ok thanks for replying i'll try and find some more info on it

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Boost return kits DO NOT damage the charger... How can it cause it not to breath properly when that pipe does not feed the charger air when on full throttle anyway?


Henny Im impressed, didnt think of that!

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thanks for the advice henny :) like you i think i'm going to go with what pitstop have told me, he expained the pros and cons but jabbasport just said don't do it with not much explaination why

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gibber, neither did I, ;) that's what Darren pointed out to me as he was trying to sell me one! :lol:


The ONLY reason I don't have the return mod fitted to my decent engine is that it's too fecking noisy as it is with its toothed pulley system and I want it to be pretty subtle (yeah, that's gonna happen) as I use it every day to get to work and back... Once I've got my diesel daily driver, I'll take it off and fit the blanking kit... ;)


Jon, glad you thought it through... I think you've made a good, informed choice... 8)

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thanks for all the advice guys you have put my mind at rest :lol: just got to get it now so i can get back on the road hopefully for this weekend 8)

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it does sound great and it must lower intake temps as the engine isn't breathing back into the charger? that has to be a good thing lower intake temps = more bhp. plus roar tishhhh roar tishhhh = more bhp?? gotta be faster if it sounds that cool!

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Could you not fit a filtered cold air feed to the second inlet instead of a boost return?


Yup, you could... problem in a Corrado is the lack of room to put it in... You'd either need a pipe that ran along the back of the radiator to the battery tray area which would heat up and probably cancel out the positive effects, or do something REALLY clever... (although I have no idea what! :roll: :lol: )

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I've had one of these for quite a while now and no probs, would recommend it.


I've also heard that the VW motorsport Rallye had this to reduce boost temps and they have been doing this mod on the German G scene for a long time.

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