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azev a's on a C - photos please!

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Does anyone have any images, real or photshopped, of a C wearing azev a's?


i know there are fitment issues with these but I'm prepared for that. Stilauto no long make the 'sigma' which looks simular so they're out of the question, but I'd like to see a photo of them on a corrado before I make a final choice. I've seen one before, but cant find it now! typical!!


ta for the help in advance...

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Here's an extra pic for you... BTW I have a feeling they don't fit on a VR too well (clearence issues) maybe someone can confirm that?

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spot on phil, thats the pic i've seen before (i think)


yeah there are caliper clearence issues with the VR, but I think it can be done with some careful grinding...maybe! they're either et35 or 40, so I'm thinking get the 35's for maximum chance of clearing the calipers and as I say, some careful grinding. Its either these, cup 3 replicas or RS4 replicas. wasnt sure on what the azev's looked like on a C, cup 3's i'm still kind of undecided on if i like them or not half the time i do, the other half i dont! and I fancy some RS4's after seeing them on that gray C that looks so good.


I'm WAY to much of a tart over wheels!

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finding the right wheels for the C is always going to be a tough choice as many wheels that I consider to be nice just don't quite look right on the C - Azev's I'm not 100% on TBH, but don't get me wrong I have loved these wheels for ages and always wanted a set for my Golf... The C above does look good on them but I have seen other colours not working so well! Most Posche rims work well but D90's seem to have the same issues as the Azev's (some good / some bad) If I were looking for the VR then I'd prob be going for the RH rims that Kev, OSV and VR6 have on theirs... Good luck what ever route you decide to go down 8)


P.S. having said all that I'm about to stick a set of TSW Evo R's on mine and I've never really been too keen on them but they didn't cost me much so it's worth a try :roll: :lol:

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yup RH's were on the cards for a while but I've had to have a rethink, cant find many wheels that are a simular style to those and arent going to break the bank! I do like design 90's but they're 16" and I wanted to go for 17's really.


I'd like to find something thats a bit unusual (hence azev's on a VR), carrys a sense of class, has a bit of a dish and isnt too expensive! I think i might be looking for some time...

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For the look i'd have to say my pref is for a deeper dish to get the effect else the cup3 looks better on a lowered car.

I just have cheap ass Fox6 things but were free on the car.




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i would help you out with a couple of pics of mine on azav a's, just cant seem to ever get them uploaded..


but they look very nice on the c!!!

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Must admit they were my first choice after getting my VR, however after looking at so many rims, I do now fancy the Keskin range (KT-1, KT-4)!

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they do look nice, but the more i see them the less i like them...god i'm fickle!


liking these though...



what do you lot think?

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Hmmnnnnn.....not my favourites either sorry, look a cheap second option.

God i'm negative, must be my diet at the moment, think positive, think positive




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