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CaiosG60 PWR

My gearbox saga (finally finished)

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HELP, I'm stuck!


Stuck on the removal of one bolt to get the gearbox out of the car! The one bolt that I’m stuck on is undone but there’s no room to slide it out of its hole. It’s one of the three bolts that screw through the bit attached to the rear gearbox mount and into the bell housing (diff case). The problem is that I can’t slide it out because the rear gearbox mount is in the way. I have undone the bolt that secures the block to the rear gearbox mount but the gearbox just wont drop with the block thing still attached to it.


Looking at an 8v rod change box as a comparison and the bolts are put in from the other side on the diff casing which would make the job a bit easier. Bit worried some ones had the box off mine and put the bolts in from the wrong side.


I could try jacking the engine up enough so that the bolt clears the top of the rear gearbox mount but I think the down pipe will hit the bulk head before the bolts clears the gear box mount. Don’t think this is the way to do it.


Just to be clear about situation, inner cv’s removed, all other bolts holding gear box on removed, one side of car jacked up, engine supported on jack. The gearbox will slide off its spline but wont drop out.


Any advice would be really help full. Not sure if I’m having problems because it’s a left hand drive golf.

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Found a picture in the Lindsey porter manual. Posted below. It shows exactly what I'm having problems with. Its bad qaulity as I've taken picture of book with camera phone.


It recomends jacking up the engine untill the downpipe hits the bulk head. Is that the best way to do it?

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i had that exact problem a while back, cant remeber how i got round it though :(


why dont you cut it for now and worry later

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Sweeeeet! Got it off after some advice from Henny. You where spot on Henny. Lifted the diff, gave it a waggle about and it dropped into a better position. Then allowing me to get at that bolt through the wheel arch. Still took a while to get out though. :x Problem is as you said you need to lift the diff a lot and access from above to lift it is hard because of the ABS gubbins.


Got the new one on almost straight away. Was lucky because spline lined up perfect first time! :D :D Have just got to put all the bolts back in tomorrow. One problem is the left hand drive driveshaft is on the floor so I'll have to undo the suspension to get it back on. Doesn’t really matter though as I planned to get the camber set anyway.


Picture below of Benji16v after wining battle with the gearbox! Not bad for us novices!

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I've got the 20vT 02J box on now. Flanges where spot on and shifter is fine too, although I haven’t connected the cables yet. There are a couple of bits I need to complete the job though.


Firstly the under side gearbox guard wont fit on new box. (Don’t know what its called) Its a metal plate that fits underneath between the engine and gearbox and protects the back of the fly wheel. The bolt pattern on the under side of the 20v box is different so old plate wont fit. Hopefully a new plate from a 20v box will fit, anyone know if it will?


The other thing is that the metal brace thing (once again don’t know what its called :-) ) that goes from the rear gearbox mount to the right hand side of the gearbox needed slight adjustment (read whacking with hammer) to fit over the new box. Also the two holes on the gearbox where this brace bolts in have a thread on them. The old 02A box's weren’t threaded. So the old bolts wont fit as they only have a thread going half way up them and wont go in far enough. I think some bolts of the same size with a thread all the way up will sort this. Don’t know how this end of gearbox is mounted on mk4, hopefully it’s the same as mine and I can order some appropriate bolts.


Also, one of the three bolts around the starter motor that fit into the front gearbox mount is too short. Its not the long two but the short one. The reason is that the 20v box has a much thicker bit than the old box. Once again a longer bolt will sort it.


These small problems are giving me the impresion the box is a bit more meaty than the old box, well the caseing anyway. Fixings on it are thicker and extra thread in bolt holes, etc.


I hope that makes sense to someone, its hard to explain when you don’t know the name of anything!! :lol: :lol: Anyway thought I’d better post this info incase anybody needs it in the future.

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Right now that the 02j box is fitted I've found that the ratios are bloody awful! There really short! The guy has sent me the wrong gearbox. :-(



:brickwall: :iamwithstupid:


I've found the code on it which is CZM.


The ratios are as follows;




1st. 3.30

2nd. 1.94

3rd. 1.31

4th. 1.03

5th. 0.84


Which with my tyres means around 100mph at 5500rpm in 5th!! Awful!! :-(



I found this info on Dubforce;


Mk3 16V box ratios should be:

1st = 3.30

2nd = 1.94

3rd = 1.31

4th = 1.03

5th = 0.84

Final Drive = 3.68

(These are the same ratios as in the VR6 Box)


Golf G60 (FWD)

1st = 3.78

2nd = 2.12

3rd = 1.34

4th = 0.97

5th = 0.76

Final Drive = 3.67


Notice how all the gear ratios in my new box are the same as that listed for 16v mk3 and VR6 apart from the awful 4.24 final drive in my 02J box. So If I take the 3.67 final drive out of my old box (providing it isnt damaged) and fit it to the new 02J box It should be just like the VR box's ratios above right?


Is it possible to fit a final drive from my G60 box 02A to the 02J box?


Can some one give me some mph/rpm/gear firgures for the box I have now with a 3.67 or a 3.94 like that BigTartanTimmeh is selling? (tyres are 15" 195 50)



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Notice how all the gear ratios in my new box are the same as that listed for 16v mk3 and VR6 apart from the awful 4.24 final drive in my 02J box. So If I take the 3.67 final drive out of my old box (providing it isnt damaged) and fit it to the new 02J box It should be just like the VR box's ratios above right?


Is it possible to fit a final drive from my G60 box 02A to the 02J box?


Dont know if the final drives can be swapped but if they can then yes the ratios would be same as above.

VR's dont have the same ratios as that though, the final drive is different at 3.3 something unless its a US spec vr, then its the same as above.

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Cheers Joe M Ratios should work out about right.


I'm pritty sure that I've heard somwhere that the same LSD can be fitted to 02A and 02J as long as the 02J is pre 2004. If thats true then my G60 final drive should fit to the 02J diff, right?


Anyone know if it will fit? I'm tempted to ring Vince at stealth but have never spoken to him before.

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Ring Vince, he is the definitive gearbox man.....


Ratios vary from source to source and from country to country aswell!

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Kev, is he like Darren and Steve, okay about ringing him for info?


Just looking at your sig. You've had a 3.6 final drive fitted to your VR6 box. How do you find the ratios now? How much did it cost you to get fitted?

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Yes mate, if he's not busy he's more than happy to help you out....


LOL...it's not done yet mate, but thought I'd add it to my sig anyway! It's being done on the 20th June by stealth. The 'haywire spec' rebuild with G60 3.68 is going to cost about £700 odd, plus £525 for the Quaife and all plus the labour and Shat.


I've worked it all out using Quaifes rather excellent ratio program (downloable from their site) http://www.quaife.co.uk and I am happy with the increased revs across the range of gears.


It's not as mad as the 3.94 and not silly tall like the 3.39...it's perfect!


If desired, I can fit a taller 5th at a later date as the box doesn't have to come off to change that.

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Nice one Kev, I think my box will end up pretty similar to yours when done, minus the LSD. I should really get a Quaife or Peleqin fitted if I'm swapping the final drive. But I've just quite my job though so really skint! :lol:


I'm taking a month or two off to decide on a new career. So I’m going to have ago at swapping the final drives over my self!!! Well I’ll see how removing and refitting it on my knackered box goes and take it from there.


Phoned Stealth and Vince is busy with rolling road. Said to ring back about 3pm.

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Nice one Vince!! Said it will fit and I will be able to retain the better designed 02J diff.


Resonable price too, £200 labour to fit if I remove the gearbox from car and the final drive from G60 box first. Could cost £50 more depending on design of some pins that may need drilling.


Do people think I should ask the guy who sold me the gearbox for half my money back? But still keep it and get G60 final drive fitted.

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Heres a thought, would your spare g60 5th gear and the 4.24 final drive fit into a vr box, and if so how much would you want for them? (Providing the g60 5th isnt damaged, I havent read all this thread.)

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Post by CaiosG60 PWR on Sam's computer!!! ;-) :lol:


I really wouldnt recomend the 4.24 final drive. Even with the G60 5th the cruising revs would be really high. If the 0.84 does 100mph at 5500rpm in 5th with a 4.24 final drive then I dont think it would be that much better with a G60 0.76! Dont people think the 3.9 final drive is pritty sprint orientated when fitted to a VR gear ratios?


Try the 4.24 final drive on an online ratio calculator. If you still fancy it I'll let you know once removed and checked by Vince.





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Its something im thinking about. First 4 gears would be really short, changing in to 5th at about 95mph. With the g60 5th it would be similar to standard using a 3.94 final drive.

Probably a bit too short tbh, would really need a 6th to go with it I think.

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Think you want to be able to do over 100mph in fourth. Otherwise you'd be in the middle of a gearchange at the end of a 1/4 mile.


Suppose It depends on taste though really. My old 8v rocco was revy as hell, gearing topped out around 125mph, which I guess is a little lower than you'd get with the 4.26 final drive and 0.76 fifth. I didnt mind that but on the G60 I'd be worried about the charger being at high RPM for long periods of time. Never mind the petrol consumption!!

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Just been reading through. I got a G60 Jetta with a 2.0l south African import 1990 jetta box innit.


very low ratio, not sure what. 1st is crap, but because its so short you dont get a lot of spin, 2nd 3rd goes well, 4th hits the limiter at 100 on the dot and tops out at 123 or there abouts.


Done a 15.4 1/4 mile, which i think is respectable with a standard engine.


The trouble I have is its started to hisssssss all the time its rolling in and out of gear. not sure whether to fix it or risk another box. (can't see myself picking up another S-A import.)


Any suggestions would be appreciated.





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