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A face full of coolant.

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I know that my temp sender has played up in the past, but it seemed to have sorted itself out, and the gague was working fine so I didn't replace it.

Anyway, last night after about a half hour run, I parked the car on a slope and went for a drink with a friend of mine. Came back to the car after about 40 minutes, only to find that when I started it, the temp warning light was flashing. I drove my mate the mile or so home, and it didn't stop flashing, although the temp was reading about 100 degrees or so.

Then I did something stupid. As it was dark, I tried to check the header tank levels with a torch, but couldn't see properly, so I thought I'd open the header tank for a look. I opened the header tank cap a half twist and there was a hiss as it de-pressurised, and so I opened it another half twist, only for the coolant to geyser out into my face.

Now, from the feel of it, it certainly wasn't boiling (maybe about 70 degrees?), and I got the car home with the temp not going above about 105-110 and oil temp not more than 100.

Do you think that this is a re-occurence of the faulty sender caused by parking the car on a steep slope, or is something actually wrong with the system? Should the coolant fountain out like that, or could that be indicative of an airlock? Should I pack the whole lot in and buy a Lupo?

I'm afraid that what I know about engine's could probably be written on the back of a postage stamp, so any advice is gratefully appreciated.



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The coolant warning light is for the level not temp, so you were just running low on coolant.


The coolant system does build up pressure when the engine's running and the coolant gets hot. I think there's actually a warning in the manual about opening the cap when hot ;)


Also... how many other hot liquids have you had thrown in your face for a temperature comparison? :lol:

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Now, from the feel of it, it certainly wasn't boiling (maybe about 70 degrees?),


classic.....havent stopped laughing...... :D :lol: .....

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Well if a Smirnoff Ice in the face is around 6 degrees then surely he can guage the temperature of the coolant in comparison?

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Those temps sound fine would not get worried about those levels. Just fill it up with some coolant and replace the temp switches.


What does the coolant taste like? Looks like it would go well with some vodka :)


Seriously though its not a good idea to go opening the overflow after driving the car esp in the dark after a few drinks.

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Well I could have described the nasty taste and also it looks like I'm a spitter not a swallower, but I thought that might be pushing it :-) Still, after an investigation last night in the daylight, it's airlock free, topped up, and the temp sender and gauge are both working again. Hurrah! Still, a valuable lesson learned I think.

Cheers for comments though, it's brightened up an otherwise dull day :-)


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i had a mate do that on a old Renault he owned! he ended up wid burns on his arms and top of his forehead! NOT NICE!


i was just saying to him that it will spray it everywhere! he didnt listen and i just managed to turn away! it went every where!


it wasnt nice!

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I think it might be better with a splash of meths in it (for drinking that is) :-)

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What does the coolant taste like? Looks like it would go well with some vodka :)


quite a sweet taste,, dont think it`d do ya any good though!! last time i tasted it was replacing the thermostat on my g60 an i got a facefull of it when working under the car , it was cold though, maybe its like beer, best served chilled? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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yup, been there, seen that, tasted it too... :pukeright:


At one point I could identify unleaded, 4star, diesel, super-unleaded, brake fluid and hydraulic fluid just by taste... :? I'm sooooo glad I decided to go to university and get a degree instead of becoming a mechanic! :lol:

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mate...students can taste the difference...they syphon more fuel out of cars than mechanics around Cardiff!.

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4star, diesel, super-unleaded, brake fluid and hydraulic fluid just by taste... :?


Sounds like an avg night out in Dublin :silly:



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I think there's actually a warning in the manual about opening the cap when hot ;)


I think there's a warning on the cap itself, or the expansion tank ..

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But nothing that you can't get away with, with the aid of a large cloth as I found out last night :-)

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Right, to try and solve my problems, I've replaced the header tank, the header tank cap, and today did a full coolant flush, as per idiots guide on the forum, and refilled with G12+. Took it for a run, and all was fine until the temp got a little high (about 95 degrees on the gauge) and then the oil pressure light came one and that familiar beeping started.

Got back checked oil level, slightly over maximum, so drained it, new filter filled to about three quarters (a quarter under maximum), double checked coolant and set off again.

Got slightly further this time, and it was behaving itself until I got a little more spirited around some back roads. Then it was temp warning light, followed by oil pressure light. A friend who was travelling behind me said that there were spots of oil coming from the exhaust and when I started it again, it was full blown white smoke. It also took 3 litres of water to get to the right level in the header tank.

My instinctive reaction is that it's my head gasket, but that was replaced about 3 months ago along with the head etc. and there has been no trouble with it until last week. Any other suggestions before I take on a third job to pay for the next garage bill?

Also, if anyone reading this needs a project car and has anything cheap but RELIABLE to offer in p/x keep me in mind for when I finally snap and decide to sell (about 10 minutes from now probably).

Cheers all,


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No, no mixing either way, and there's no 'mayo' under the oil filler cap either. Only the oil/white smoke from the exhaust made me think that. I'm really confused on this one I have to say...

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Somthing else that I remembered is that the radiator fan didn't come on immediately when I stopped, even though the warning lights were screaming blue murder. It took about 5 minutes before it came on (by which time coolant had stopped p!ssing out of the safety valve in the expansion tank).

*Edit*Also having checked all of the hoses there's no evidence that any of them are perishing, and I've replaced all of the clips.

*Edit 2* My brake fluid was boiling in the reservoir as well, I take it that this isn't normal?

Any advice?



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have you changed the fan thermo switch mate??...that might explain why it didnt turn on hence the water temp got too high.

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