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Advice please

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o.k I need to start sorting my G60 in the next couple of months. So I need to know where the best place is to buy everything from. Here's what I think I need:


1) Stage 4 uprgrade to charger- I'm thinking jabbasport here, post it off

2) 65mm pulley

3) shorter serpentine belt

4) SNS chip

5) 3.5 bar FPR

6) Oil cooler Kit

7) RSR or "ralley" style outlet

8) supersprint or similar stainless steel exhaust

9)Anything else you think I need


I wanna use only 1 or 2 companies ideally to save on hassle

Any advice will be appreciated,



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If i was you i'd think twice about jabba for the charger, not cause they're pants or anything, but i've heard horror stories about only one half of the charger being flowed on one occasion and i imagine the waiting list is rather long.... -Iv'e used pitstop developments for all my tuning so far - steve and liam have been more than helpful. Not only could they source you your sns chip and pulley, but they can also get the fpr, belt e.t.c and Liam tells me he does a mean charger re-build/flow complete with porting that perfectly matches the outlet e.t.c. Best thing is their prices...To give you some idea jabba quote around £270 for chip and pulley fitted, - Liam and Steve did this but with the quality sns chip and a fpr all for £200. Nice.

(Good plug eh guys, now where's my 65m?!!! :wink: )

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Since you're getting an SNS chip, you can get the belt and FPR from me too, i've run out of 65's at the mo. Should have some in soon.


May i suggest you send your charger to pitstop or Darren? These guys are top when it comes to porting and rebuilding G's.

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If i was you i'd think twice about jabba for the charger, not cause they're pants or anything, but i've heard horror stories about only one half of the charger being flowed on one occasion and i imagine the waiting list is rather long.... -Iv'e used pitstop developments for all my tuning so far - steve and liam have been more than helpful. Not only could they source you your sns chip and pulley, but they can also get the fpr, belt e.t.c and Liam tells me he does a mean charger re-build/flow complete with porting that perfectly matches the outlet e.t.c. Best thing is their prices...To give you some idea jabba quote around £270 for chip and pulley fitted, - Liam and Steve did this but with the quality sns chip and a fpr all for £200. Nice.

(Good plug eh guys, now where's my 65m?!!! :wink: )


Jabba sport do an overnight service on the charger if you take the car to them for complete fitting, Also Jabba have a massive stock of bearings and shafts etc, (i've seen there workshop) They are the guys for the G60 IMHO. My charger has been done twice by them now. last charger rebuild for me was at xmas. the results are fantastic. not forgeting the report on the state of your charger internally. They may not be the cheapest but they know there sutff.

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King Prawn, as much as this thread seems to be becomming a Dutch Auction, it would seem appropriate to add my offering to your request. I think you are right to look at minimsing the hasle and take your business to a restricted number of companies. I can indeed supply you with a stage four rebuild on your charger ( you could go further than this if you wish!), an alloy rs type outlet fitted to the charger outlet, a dedicated oil cooler kit that has been created to specically fit your application and your shorter belt. I can supply these items via mail order and within your time frame. There are other reccomendations i would make as i have been tuning G60 engines since 1993, and should you wish further detail would be happy to discuss this with you. Contact info on it's way. On a final note the VR6 clutch idea, the standard clutch is a beauty and capable of handling alot more than folks give it credit, My C runs on the standard clutch, unless you are intending to do significantly more with your C than you indicate with your shopping list i would spend your budget elsewhere.

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Nice one Mambo, i didnt think of that! Pitstop can supply nearly all of the above items 8)


I had my charger flowed at Jabba, stage 4, opened it up and found that they had hardly touched the upper chamber. It was promptly sent to Pitstop for a proper porting job.

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Mambo Monkey, its all fitted and working.....got some valauable advice from Bilal with regards to fitting it, the only problem i've had is that you dont have to push down to get reverse....sortung this out soon.

I dont know how you guys fitted that rubber ball thing it was a Bas***d to get on!

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Best thing's gotta be the pictures on B&M's instructions. - I imagine it would be an easy '1hour fit' if you could see what the f*** they were on about!!! :wink:

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yeah.....lucky i had my other corrado there so i coul see how it fitted back together.

By the way i had to grind away abit of the metal surrounding the gearlever, had a belt sander to hand though :D

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So would you recommend the B&M Majik? And how long did it take you to fit in the end. Think Venom are selling them for about £105.

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I can fully recommend Jabbasport for your supercharger - they did a R1 conversion on mine a few weeks ago. Took a while to run it in, I've done around 2k since and it's still loosening up. 8)


However, while my car was there they "serviced" it & fitted a new timing belt. When I got the car back, both upper & lower timing belt covers were knackered. They fitted a cat back exhaust system and did not seal it onto the cat so now it blows like hell. The timing belt that they fitted was far too tight - and I mean FAR too tight. Power steering belt was also way too tight. :mad:

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Yeah i would recommend it....but should be more useful when i recon my charger and get a few goodies off SNS.

Took me about an hour to fit, if you got a mate with another corrado tell him to pop down as you will need to see how it goes back together....the instructions are useless!

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