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Zeroed mileage !

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Thank you all for your words of wisdom - gonna get an old instrument cluster from a scrappys and play around with it.


I have a "friend" who has a few years experience of re-programming and adjusting software storred in these type of chips, building programmers etc. Won't be illegal because all I want to do is put the correct mileage back in.


I'll re-post when he's done it - please don't ask how :lol:

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When i fitted new dashes at the dealer, we got one chance at inputing the correct milege (you have to convert into km) using 1551.

if you put it wrong then the that was tough sh}t.



Via VAG-Comm ??

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What is an EEPROM?

An EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) is similar to an EPROM but the erasure is accomplished using an electric field instead of an UV light source. This eliminates the need of a window. Usually, EEPROM refers to a device that requires a programmer or special voltage to program it.



So, let us assume the VW cluster contains a OTP EPROM - how can Steve reprogram his mileage back in (I assume you'd like to.. though personally I'd lose a couple of thou.. :mrgreen:) :?:



Site doesn't mention that this type of chip also has a lifespan i.e. can only be re-programmed so many times before it becomes unprogrammable. Not sure of the exact amount of times - a few thousand from memory (my mate's memory - that is).


Although the lifespan thing isn't the problem because it's all working as it should. Just with less mileage.

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