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Show Some Love Corradowales Style.

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:lol: @ Yandards - I'm a bit concerned about that first pic - Nick's not only got his leg over, but in :shock: :lol:


Indeed I did buy it and you could have been there to salivate if you hadn't been frolicking naked on Brighton beach*




*may not have actually beeen frolicking, or indeed naked

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  dinkus said:
Indeed I did buy it and you could have been there to salivate if you hadn't been frolicking naked on Brighton beach*


Careful mate, the missus might read this... :lol:

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Ok ok ok, by popular demand (well, corradowales asked me to), the alternatives for the SE love shot...

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and fair play to 2cc....he's the first guy to make 2 seperate appearances in the thread!...remarkable amount of love for his AND others raddos...theres really no stopping him!


It's amazing what Viagra can do... :lol:

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PMSL....more quality shots! This is thread of the month 8)


I think a poster of one of the shots put on the side of a bus to help launch a national campaign is in order....spread the love!

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I'd also like to point out that only the SE guys have actually managed to get their Corrados into a state of spoiler arousal so far... ;)

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Ah, perhaps a later shot Mr Pink. Some of us were still only at the foreplay stage.

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maybe the new forum logo could incorperate some loving.


'www.corrado-forum.net - we really love our cars'



now theres a tee-shirt i'd want to buy andi! :D

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  dinkus said:
I'd also like to point out that only the SE guys have actually managed to get their Corrados into a state of spoiler arousal so far... ;)


Er last time I checked and with my limited knowledge of anatomy it is only male appendages that rise - so is there something you want to tell us Dinkus, what with your pink avatar and all? :wink:

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It also depends on which of the results you actually click on. The ones with XXXX in the titles probably aren't work-safe ;) :lol:

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Blimey! Not been in here for a while - that's some serious Corrado Orgy Action!

I'll see if the 'rado gets any love at Bug Jam and post the pics up. I can see a great pic op at e38!!!

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  dinkus said:
I'd also like to point out that only the SE guys have actually managed to get their Corrados into a state of spoiler arousal so far... ;)


Which further supports the Northern contingent's argument that southerners are a bunch of gay soft lads :lol:

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Some pictures of Nick and "friends" during a dirty weekend away from his wife.

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pmsl...nice one boys....keep em " coming ".....



god only knows what the guys at stealth think of you lot!! :lol:

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As requested, a couple more from Nick's "dirty weekend", though should really be under "what I did to my C" - full suspension, rear bushes and brake bleed, episode II.

We weren't at Stealth for this though.

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