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Son of a Beesting

Scrapping type noise at low speed

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Hello people, help needed again.


Yesterday my car developed a worrying new noise. It sounds like something scrapping (thought front splittler had come off first), but only for a second or so. It started after being in traffic for a long time (M4 yesterday :roll: ). It happened 4 or 5 times but only at lower speeds. I had a look for a few threads but couldnt really find one that sounds like what happened to mine. Not a very good explaintation I know and havent hadchance to look at car in the light yet. It could be described as metalic, sorry not very good at the decription bit :oops:


Also I dont know if it could be realted but over the last week or so noticed that if i dip the clutch to change gear it sends a slight shock wave through the car(makes cd cases in glovebox jump!).


Any help would be grate as it seems like everyother weekend Im doing something to it and its starting to really hack me off!!

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Can you see anything that looks like it's hanging lower than it should be? (pardon the expression) Have you had the car dropped at all? Any work done recently?

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2nd query is most likely an engine mount as Mr Biglovewales said, but as for the first query.... could be any number of things. I know that the ABS pump can activate prematurely at low speeds if the pedal position sensor is dead....that's a kind of grind/scrape noise and only does it at crawling speeds.

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Thanks for the advice.


It has been dropped on Konigsport's. I put in an Oil cooler 2 weekends ago. Shouldnt think that would do anything though? I have had a look and nothing is hanging down.


It has a new front engine mount about 6 months ago, so could be the rear one??


Sorry should have said Ive got a 91 corrado G60 and it doesnt have ABS. I had new bushes etc put in when did the suspension but is it likey that the new suspension has increased the wear on other parts like the CV etc?? Just thinking that putting new stuff on usually puts older bits under greater pressure??


Thanks again for the responses :D

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