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Supercharged Junkie

way down on power

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Hi all, Finally got round to getting my car on the rolling road today and i wish i never bothered.


Was expecting around about 180BHP with the mods i`ve done to my car(see sig for spec) but only managed:-

Engine power(measured) = 143.1hp@102mph / 5310 1/min

Wheel Power(measured) = 122.3hp@102mph / 5310 1/min


What the feck is going on? Well down on power, The charger was done at the end of last year by Darren at G-werks so thats not it plus the torque is at 156lbs/ft@4074 1/Min.


Fueling seems to be alright, Pinking alittle at max revs. Could the timing be way out?

Any ideas?



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Is that not good news though? If you thought it was running at 180, then surely the car *should* be putting out around that figure.


Get it fixed so that it does put out the expected power and you should be happy as Larry!

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How does the car actually feel tho?? does it feel slow compared to any other G60's you've driven??


Where any other cars at the RR for comparison?

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boost leak, fueling, timing, etc. Sounds like there ould me more than one thing at fault here, check your pipes first, then start looking at the other areas, you should me making at least 180, how does the car feel

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Haven`t driven any other G60`s so couldn`t really say!

Doesn`t feel slow, pulls like **** in every gear thats why i was expecting a high BHP considering a standard G60 is around the 160 mark :-(

No other cars there, The guy is a mate of a mate, so was doing me a favor by putting it on the RR. Did the run 3 times and the final run produced the figures above.

He said he could check the car over but i think i want to take it to a G60 specialist really(He deals with race tuned minis)


Just really want to know what could cause such a big drop in power



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pop in next time you are in our area and we can check fueling / timing for you.. ive seen you about a few times latley are you living nearer to us now ?

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Hi Darren, Will get in contact with you soon about this.

No, still in good old Salisbury area, been down to see John (16VG60) been having alignment issues with the new Inpro lights which he sorted out for me. Was gonna pop in and say hi, but i was usually running late or wanted to get home :-)

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yeah massive big boost leak, this happend on my car when I first bought it, it was actually a tear in the pipe, check it over before reattaching

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