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ABS Light.. I know I know there's lots a these posts

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I've been having my ABS light come on and of lately and seen theres alot on here about ABS but today as I was breaking (gently) I felt a vibration through the break peadel as if the ABS had kicked in, then the ABS light came on again. I haven't had my Corrado for long and am still not sure about all it's little quirks, could anyone shed any light on what these symptoms may suggest? please please pleas help!! :(

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you really need to find someone with VAGCOM to do a diagnostics check and see what's causeing the lights to come on. loads of people on here have it, what area are you from?

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These people all have VAG-COM. Have a look at the list and see if there's anyone in your area that can help out....everyone with it has volunteered their services.


VAG-COM is a third party software and lead system than interrogates the ECU for fault codes and decodes them into english!


It's well worth buying as the VR is quite a fickle beast....

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Hampshire... Please excuse my ignorance, but what's VAGCOM?


Its a third party equivalent of what the main agents charge you £40 an hour for.


As Kev says a very useful thing indeed. Could save yourself the cost of a genuine lead in one go.


Check what you get with the forum as there are a couple of 'non-snags' that get reported.



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Thanks all, but I don't have VR6 it's the 2.0 16v injection... does anyone round Farnborough have the cable for this and be kind enough to spend some time at a weekend helping a Corrado new-bie out?? Pleeeeeeeeeaaase!! ;)



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If you look in the same thread that Kev pointed you to above you'll see all the people who have the right cables and where they live, just get in touch with someone!

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