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Ah nice setup, and certainly I notice the Dragon, CR7 etc. the Caspian sound good too.

True, things can be bought too expensive.

I have this idea, that I want to get really good natural sound for low money, but sometimes things take an offspin and go into orbit. So I use a Musical Fidelity A1 (modded), Tandberg TCD-3014a, Rega Planer 3 (modded), Copland cda288mk. II se. (modded), and B&W DM640i Mk. II (modded) with some Taralabs RSC Reference and Air1 plus double set of Helix 6. Did it myself, had a lot of more expensive stuff, but keep coming back to this. Plus I made the livingroom being setup for stereosound, all other stuff does not matter. More mods are naturally allways on the board like with the Corrado and Laverda ;) Everything bought seconf hand naturally ;) plus my mods as tiem goes by ;)

Couldn't care less for compressed sound like mp-something, downloads, DAB, applecrap etc. Veeeryyy soothing to come home and enjoy a good album after a days work.


Keep your Corrado, it's a very capable little sportscar imho.



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Yes - I like analogue, having grown up with it.

I still have first vinyl LP I bought in 1964. - I was 19.


Rolling Stones - 1st album. (in mono!)


Best Regards


Your red Corrado is beautiful - you are not located in UK, though, Redfox?

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For sale I have Akai GX-270D autoreverse reel to reel



Been looking for a reel to reel for ages - still have some old tapes that my Dad made when we were young (back in the 60's) and have nothing to play them on. How much would you want for it?

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Hi Craigowl,

Yes, analogue stereo is the way we're built to listen. So I stick to that ;) That is also why I really don't care for the sound in the car, as it's far from being HiFi, and I don't do music as background noise ;) But each to his own of course.

Thanks for the nice words, I am in the process of doing a lot of various mods (subtle) but it's really cold and progress is slow; listening to music is pleasant in the wintertime; no, unfortunately I am not living in the UK. Could be great to meet up over a tea, pint or whatever and talk some Corrado (or HiFi), but I am in Denmark, over the small pond. There is next to no activity around Corrados around here I'm afraid.


Btw, there's a real nice forum for tapenutters, called tapeheads.net. If you're not there already, go take a look. Most helpfull for Tandberg and Nak nutters.




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Still for sale at £3995 - no haggling please.

I have had 5 people interested in this car since May 2010, yet NOT ONE has been to see the car in person.


As the saying goes, the first person to come and see this car will want to buy it.


Not had one person look at mine....???!!!

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Pics at South Queensferry on warmest ever March day (27th). 24C at Aboyne. We had about four days in a row with 20-22C.


It is now 6C having plunged from 11C in minutes and is snowing in the north.

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Up at West Lothian Golf Course above the Forth with bonkers wide angle lens ( 14mm by Samyang of Korea.)

Looking NW to Southern Highlands in clear, cold air.

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and another. That crop gets everywhere and we are going to see more of it as the price of its oil is getting higher, I heard.


Bad for "hay fever" for some IIRC. Stunning against blue sky and green grass, though.

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Anyone else recognise this scenario?

Plenty I know.


You park your C in the car park as far from the activities of the madding crowd as you can!


My local B&Q - Falkirk. I have been going there since about 1980.


You could leave this with if you want:thumbleft:

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