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Mystery relays just appeared in passenger footwell....

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Just had a new arrival in my passenger foot well (see the attached piccie of the relays) :? . Can anyone please shed any light on what these are from (my thoughts were air con or ABS)??


It does have air con (and ABS) however the air con hasn't worked in a good few years and I'm in the process of removing it. The buttons don't look like the ones I've seen for the Diavia setup though (again there is a rather fuzzy picture attached). Anybody know if this would be a Diavia setup or not?? One final question too - what bits would I need to replace as I'm wanting to remove all trace of the air con system (the hardware under the bonnet - compressor, pipework and condensor have already been removed)??

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They are usually tucked up above the blower motor but I've no idea what they're for. Spotted them when taking my mate's dash out of his VR to do the heater matrix. Might be for ABS as they weren't in my car when my dash came out. Mine's a G60 witout ABS.

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Cheers guys.... I had a feeling they might be the ABS, but as there is a lot of stuff from the aircon under there as well, I thought I better check.


Anybody any ideas about how best to remove an air con system, to get everything back to normal (what bits in/behind the dash would need extracting/replacing and has anyone done this)??

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Supercharged - The system had been open to the air for atleast the last 7 years after having a couple of hoses go through, and I was quoted +£800 to have the thing repaired. Also to get the front mounted intercooler meant that the aircon radiator had to go as there just isn't the space. I ended up thinking that for the amount of time in the year I need aircon (about 8 days so far this year) I could just wind the window down.


Cheers Dinkus, will have a look through the other links of this one and hopefully find someway of extracting it (that doesn't involve too much pain).

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