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Ice White Socks

Droning at speed- Wheel Bearing?

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Hi guys,


Have a problem with a droning noise at speeds above 40mph- increase in pitch with the speed of the car- nothing to do noise wise with the engine or gearbox. Sounds just like a wheel bearing but is completely independent of corners (every wheel bearing problem previously gets far worse when you are cornering on the side of the knackered bearing)


Could it still be a wheel bearing? or is there something else it could be?





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I'd agree with the fact it should be a wheel bearing as first port of call. I assume the noise is in the front. It may be a little too early for cornering to affect it yet which is why it doesn't show that way.


Jack up each side of the car and leave the wheel on. Just hand spin it and see if one wheel is turning slightly ruffer than the other. You may have to take the brake pads off and put the wheel temporaryily back on to get rid of the pad noise.


Don't forget to put the brake pads back in before you drive off!!!

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also when its jacked up with the wheel on grab the top and bottom of the wheel and check for play

so it makes the noise if you knock it out of gear and coast ?

does it make a noise on full lock when turning , cv?

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First check to do is to go for a drive then check how hot the wheels are, if one is noticably warmer than the one on the opposite side then you know which corner the problems at...

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Not sure this post will help in any way but I have a similar problem 'cept my noise occurs anything left of 15 degrees of center when turning. No noise turning right. Appears to be coming from the passenger foot well but I've never been able to sick my head in there while driving to prove it. Been to VW 4 times now, they claim to of ruled out bearings, brakes, tyres and suspension. The latest is that they are blaming a leak in the power sterring (which they never found despite steam cleaining the underside of the car and checking it after a couple of hundred miles). The noise seems fairly constant not changing too much in pitch with speed. I suspect CV or drive shaft.


I also have a creak when turning but I've traced that back to a dry joint and knackered boot on a track rod end.

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