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Dr Forinor

the MkV GTi

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Right, simple question, has anyone driven it and how would you compare it to the Corrado? I know they are not in the same league, but they have roughly the same power (compared to the VR6) and weigh about the same and the handling on the MkV GTi is supposed to be excellent, with good feedback.


So how do they differ in your opinion? Let's see how they compare.

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Would you take an R32 over a Corrado VR6 though? I know for sure that I wouldn't.


I took the MkV GTi out for a test drive (this was before I had my VR6) and it was an excellent drive, really handled beautifully and put the power down well. But now after driving my C, the GTi felt like it was "fake", the drive in the Corrado puts you IN the action, whereas in the GTi you feel a little bit out of the centre of the action. The steering, although good in the GTi, stil doesnt feel as lively as it does in the C.


That's my conclusion so far, I want to drive the GTi again now though, since I have spent time in the C, I can make better comparisons.

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Sorry mate, I read the post too quickly and read it as MK4 aswell, doh!!


In that case, yes the MK5 is quite a beast. I agree with you entirely. The Corrado is a lot livlier but at the same time the MK5 GTI is so accomplished and polished, some consider it dull, but it's not, just a different way of doing the same job. Odd power delivery though, completely linear with no lunging and being thrown into your seat. Interesting VW have gone back to 16V on the 2.0 FSI too....must be to make room for the injectors? Are there any 20V VAG FSI engines? Dunno...but it's quite refined, feels smoother at the top end than the 20V T to me....


Again it's one of those things....I'd have a black 3 door MK5 with leather in a snap, if offered, but I certainly wouldn't spend £20K (or £23K if you add the leather & sunroof) of my own money on one. All the thrills and spills of VW ownership are satisfied with the Corrado tbh....but I can see the appeal of a younger and sturdier model....but ultimately, no ta.


I can't really see myself getting rid of the C until I'm ready for 911 (993) ownership, and even then, the C would be kept as a second car unless it's a rusty heap by the time I can afford to run both!

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Can heartily reccomend signing up and reading the MK5 forums at http://www.uk-mkivs.net - plenty of impartial and unbiased opinions there as lots of people own them on hire purchase schemes and aren't teary eyed nostalgics like we sometimes are on here about the Corrado ;)

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Good work on the clean-up dinkus, thanks.


Kev: nice comparo, unbiased, which is what I was looking for, thanks for the input.


Jim: Thanks for the link, will definitely be checking it out.

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agree with kev , the mk5 is a superb car , fast, quiet,comfortable, nice looking but it lacks driver involvement because of the technology , the brakes are superb but a little over servo'd


i could spend 20k on something that has lost its initial depreciation and which would be far sexier than a golf

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Well thats my opinion on it as well.. depends what your allowances are for running costs / monthly bills etc but you're virtually into few year old BMW M3 territory there and I know which i'd rather have ;)

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the brakes are superb but a little over servo'd


God yeah aren't they?! That's what annoys me about the C VR6. The first inch of brake travel is slack, but get in a modern car and that first inch is actually bite and I nearly head butt the windscreen!


i could spend 20k on something that has lost its initial depreciation and which would be far sexier than a golf


Definitely.... kind of what I was hinting at with 911 ownership :lol:

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That's what annoys me about the C VR6. The first inch of brake travel is slack, but get in a modern car and that first inch is actually bite and I nearly head butt the windscreen!


Thank god you mentioned that, I thought I was gonna have to start looking at getting my brakes checked and fixed, I'm paranoid like about that C :oops:


But yeh, I thought that about the GTi too, very good brakes though. The slight lack of driver involvement pisses me off, it really does, I so love it in the C where you are right where the action is, the car makes you feel good :D

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Yeah all VR6 brakes are like that, they are utter toilet imo. No way should a 150 mph car have such rubbish brakes.


The 288 setup goes a long way to improving the stopping power but the first inch of travel is still pants! However, they're pretty good for not standing the car on it's nose by accident. I borrowed a mate's MK4 for a week and I still couldn't feather the brakes to lose, say 10mph approaching a bend, like I could in the C after a week! Sometimes you literally want to just brush the discs, but today's over servo'd brakes make finer adjustments more difficult to modulate smoothly.....but I guess you'd get used to it, or 'drive round' the problem.


Yep, I find the C is totally intuitive to your mood and feedback is always strong and accurate. If I fancy a lolloping, lethargic crawl home, she responds with torquey cruising. If I fancy a jostle with the 9 to 5ers, then she equally obliges with some very un 80s like acceleration.....

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And there is nothing that can be done to improve the first inch of travel? But to be honest, I actually like it like that, I really do. I have driven the Mk4 golfs and although their brakes are fantastic, I didnt like the fact that it was quite close either "on or off". The new Meganes brakes are like that, just a tap and you get a bruise across your chest fromt he seatbelt. I think I'll stick to my "crappy" C brakes :D

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nuttin wrong with the 'Rado brakes IMHO.


Got my VR on Saturday - and after 6 years of 16v Mk2 ownership (std fronts Mk4 rears) I think the brakes on the 'Rado are just how I like them.


ie: brakes with "feel" and "graduation.


I had a couple of hire cars recently - and the first couple of *ahem* manouvres resulted in me getting a bloody nose.


- and on the point about "feel" in new cars = there isn't any! Electric Pwr steering and dialled in under steer see to that.



I really wasn't fussed about a Corrado till I was offered one cheap after my valver golf was "killed" by an unscrupulous truck driver.






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Quick side note: Drove a classic mini not too long ago, what a drive, absolutely sublime! Got to have me one of them sometime soon too :-D

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