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Yet another Idle problem

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I have read all the posts on here about idleing, I've removed and cleaned my ISV and the engine is idleling smoother.


My problem is - some times when I have left the car for a day or 2 and it has been colder or rained, I'll start the car and the instant I touch the gas pedal it will start to go erractic and try and stall. If I give it more gas it will rev and then it will drop off with my foot still hard on the pedal. This last for about 1-2 mins on average and then it is 100% fine again.


It sounds from the other posts like it could be the a prob with a vacuum hose somewhere BUT I can't see anything wrong at all. What other signs would their be and where do I need to look specifically??


As as side note it is still on it's original fuel pump and filter could these be contributing factors?? After 2mins and when ever it hasn't been left that long the car really is as sweet as a nutt.


Stumped tbh???? any ideas??????

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The carbon canister vacum hose is full intact by the look of it - any chance it could be any of the valves or the controller??


But the other vacum hose on the diagram - doesn't appear to have a valve on it!!!


see bellow - prolly just me being an idiot :-) but....

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:crazyeyes: :puppydogeyes: any ideas guys was painful this morning :-( I had to start it with my foot on the gas or it stalled - a minute later tho and it was fine??


(rainy this morning)

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That sounds like the electrical side of things, check your spark plugs are tight in their sockets and the dizzy cap is sealed properly check the condition of the cap and rotor arm, check your HT leads visually and do a resistance test across them. Things like this are often down to damp getting in old HT components and distrupting charge flow through them (arcing places they shouldn't etc...)

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