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Hiya folks!


Just thought I'd better introduce myself. I'm Kaz aka Turbogirlie and have just become the proud owner of a G60!


Some of you will know me from the Scirocco Register and Dub-Club sites! Dave Storm told me of this site - thanks Dave!


Brief history - live in north Herefordshire, own 2 Scirocco's - 1.6GT (for sale - cheap motoring!) 1.8GTX (with Zender rear spoiler - my baby) which is undergoing restoration and now the G60 fitted with a Jabbasport stage 2 supercharger. Also own a Kawasaki GPz550A2 (also for sale!) and a Kawasaki GPz750 Turbo!


Have admired my car for the last 3 years and she finally came up for sale in July so bought the beast! It's fabulous! I love this car but the GTX will always be my number one car. Owned the old gal for almost 8 years now, the restoration is to celebrate it's 20th birthday and to repay the 70K of mileage I've covered in her.


Any advice greatfully received on the rado - first thing is to get some kind of workshop manual - any thoughts as Haynes don't do one (you all know that already of course!)


Will be posting some wants shortly too - indicator & fog lamp are cracked and the grill under the front bumper is shot to pieces. Still a great drive though!


Hope to meet some of you sometime!


Happy motoring!



aka Turbogirlie :evil:

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Welcome to the forum!


If you can make it to Edition38 in 3 weeks time, you'll be able to meet pretty much all the regulars on the site there... 8-)


Good luck with sorting the rado out, hope she provides you with much enjoyment... :D

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Cheers for the warm welcome folks - must be a vw thing!


Where are these events you refer to then peeps - had my head stuck in a hole or something so don't know of these 2 you refer to!


Thanks again - are there many girlie rado owners out there then?

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theres a few of us girlies on here.......me, Dubby,Butterfly and Scarlett just to name a couple of the regulars

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Hi Kaz welcome to the forum and congrats on finding a tidy G60, glad you found a good one! :D


As others have said, get yerself to E38 if poss, a few of the girls on here will be going too, 'tis gonna be the one show you must not miss!


Will be posting some wants shortly too - indicator & fog lamp are cracked and the grill under the front bumper is shot to pieces. Still a great drive though!

Try GPC in Luton for new bits like this, ignore the website tho, it's well out of date, it's best to give them a ring for any bits you need. :wink:

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Hi Kaz and welcome,


Good luck getting to know us all...I'm still working on it having only been on here a few months.



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theres a few of us girlies on here.......me, Dubby,Butterfly and Scarlett just to name a couple of the regulars


Don't forget me!! Don't get on here as much as I'd like anymore cos of my new job but I'm still about :wink:


Anyway, nice to see another female on here, enjoy your stay!!

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Welcome and you will love the forum, everyone is well helpfull.


Get yourself to E38 its gonna be big!


Also get some picks of the car up so we can see her..

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wooooooooooooooo!!! another girlie.... yay!!!


hello n welcome..... looks like a nice Rado you've got there...... :D

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