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Paul 8v

Dumbass question

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i need to charge the battery of my corrado up, is it ok to take it out of the the car to do it? The clock is wrong anyway so that isn't a problem! :lol:

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Yes it's fine to take it out... you'd have to disconnect the car from it before you charge it anyway! Have fun :D

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oh radio isn't in yet anyway! just didn't want to blow the beggar up!

Especially since I havn't driven it yet, still got a week to wait!

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i need to charge the battery of my corrado up, is it ok to take it out of the the car to do it? The clock is wrong anyway so that isn't a problem! :lol:


that IS a dumbass question! good lad.

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Insurance reasons, not long to go tho!


Fookin battery has died, have to take it to get it checked. For some reason my dad thought if I dissconected it it would loose all the MFA settings or something.

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You will lose all the MFA settings and trip counter reading, but you won't lose the overall mileage counter as it has a battery back up.


Stick the battery on an overnight charge and check it with a meter in the morning. If it's less that 12V, one or more cells have died.


Good excuse to get a big arse battery in there and not have to worry about it again.

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insurance reasons, is age the problem.

No I'm 22 so it's not too bad the thing is it's well up on standard power and i need a years no claims, which will be the start of next week! Am insuring it with Brentacre as Adrian flux couldn't get anywhere near it!

Adrian flux are too closely affiliated with max power for my likings!!!

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Brentacre were the best by far too when I got my quotes - especialy with my slightly 'colourful' driving history :?

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