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Weird uneven ride-heights

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Need some advice, I have noticed that i have uneven ride heights, which coincides with odd handling characteristics. My C has always had a slight tendency to pull to the left, and the N/S front top plate sits higher than the O/S. As a last resort i have now started measuring the suspension heights to try and find the cause. Parked in my garage i measured from the lowest point on the alloy to the top of the arch. Probably not the best points but it revealed some interesting numbers.


57.5cm -- 58.8cm

Low ------- High



High ------- Low

59cm -- 57.5cm


Ive replaced all Shock + Springs VAG, Top Mounts, Wishbones + Subframe (Dont ask)

Im running out of ideas now, all i can think it could be is odd Shock/Springs or worst case twisted chassis.


Any ideas appreciated! Thanks.

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have u got coilovers,,,,, if so a lot of corrado's tend to sit offset has a default and you will need to adjust your suspension accordingly to get be consistent. Doesnt help with aftermarket wheels, specially if their wider....


jus a thought...

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The differences aren't that bad to be honest.


The driver's side always sits lower than the nearside anyway cause of the engine weight bias. Shouldn't worry about it. Even my H&Rs (very precisely manufactured springs) sit lop sided slightly on the driver's side, but admittedley only by about 5mm.


There may be some body work discrepencies but it's hard to tell for sure without the aid of an a decent jig.

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Thanks guys.


Running on new standard Shock and Springs, on the old Speedlines. Looking at following masses and getting Koni's + HR's to leave the 4x4 look behind.


kevhaywire, thats reassuring that even yours are different considering the level of perfection your C is reaching.

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