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Damage whilst in for remap ! - advise me please.

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My VR6 recently acquired significant damage ( I have photos ) whilst in a garage. They are saying that the damage was there when I gave it to them, yet they did not check over the car before hand.


The damage was not there, and I wondered if anyone could advise me on what to do next.


They have offered to repair and to repaint the damage - but not the rest of the car. I feel this repair will stand out from the rest of the vehicle.


Help me if you can please.


PS. They want £700 from me to repair and paint the entire car - I aint got that much money.

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Photo's of the now damaged area (with a date would be superb), from before the car went in??


What exaclty have they managed to do?


Tricky one really because you could threaten them with legal action and they might fold, but then again, they could stick to their guns and you might have a hard time proving the damage was not there beforehand.

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The garage must be covered for this sort of accident. If you are sure that they did it then I would call the citizens advise and take it from there.


If you have knowledge of where you stand it will always make your case stronger and it shows them that you are not mucking about.


Secondly, ow fresh does the accident look, any signs of clothing marks or new clean paint, or anything that helps your case against them. Never settle for anything less that them reparing the car. You shouldnt even have accepted the quote for the work to be done and take a friend with you, just one mate as you dont want to intimidate them too much just yet.


If all that fail then tell them that you will fire bomb their place down and hopefully the owner will still be in it and beat him up ....sorry, dont do that I was getting carried away!


I would simply say, be honest and sincere with them and say, look, it was fine when I brought it in, I am a carefull driver and I love my Corrado to bits, hense why its in having modifications done.


I dont have much momey, but my brother in a soliciter and would rather gets this cleared up wiythout having to bring him in. Especially as its my brother and hes very protective over me since mum died.... Just give a bullshit excuse or whatever to try and play on their nicer side to a person.


Also , under no circumstances will you be paying for the chip and you want to get them to sort out the matter. Or get them to take the chip out and tell them to pay for the damage.


You have to be positive and if your addiment that they have damaged it then go all the way. Look around for obvious things that could have caused the damage, i.e tight entrances, exits, anything at all and snap a picture of it. It all helps you mate. Good luck, I hope you get the result your looking for. Or all of us on the forum will team up and play baseball with them!

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Unfortunately I don't have any advice that I can offer, but I really hope that you manage to get this cleared up and get the money back off them.


Its disgusting that companies feel they can get away with this kind of attitude even when they are blatantly at fault, and I hope they get their asses kicked for it.


Please keep us posted!

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Unfortunately, unless you can prove the car was sound before it went in, it's your word against theres, and they know you it won't go to court over such a small (comparitively speaking) amount.


This is why when you rent a car from a National or Avis etc, they have you sign a disclaimer before you take the car away.


Sorry dude. It's going to be down to the goodwill of the garage.



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If your car is damage on arrival the garage are ment to point it out to you and do paper to show that!! but however i bet none of them do.

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My VR6 recently acquired significant damage ( I have photos ) whilst in a garage. They are saying that the damage was there when I gave it to them, yet they did not check over the car before hand.


The damage was not there, and I wondered if anyone could advise me on what to do next.


They have offered to repair and to repaint the damage - but not the rest of the car. I feel this repair will stand out from the rest of the vehicle.


Help me if you can please.


PS. They want £700 from me to repair and paint the entire car - I aint got that much money.



right by the sounds of it the garage are being pretty reasonable about it......they have offered to repair the damage they have caused........they should be able to "blend" the repair into the existing sound paint easily enough if they are competant enough....what you are asking from them is what the insurance industry would class as "betterment".......now if i were you i would give them the opportunity of repairing the damage they have caused as long is it is to your satisfaction(the repair that is)or save up the £700 extra they need for the full respray which if they have a good bodyshop/paintshop is a bargain.....though make sure they are prepared to supply you with a free courtesy car and guarantee their paint repair...........just my £0.02p's worth

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