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catalytic converter gutting

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do G60's smell that bad without the catalytic converter honeycomb being there? I have heard this to be true of V8 engines cause they dont burn all the fuel, so will a proper tuned G60 not smell? porsches dont have catalytic converters.. =-/ older ones that is and they dont smell.

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mine doesnt smell ...spose it may smell a touch rich when started if you stand near the tailpipe but its fine


didnt nitice anymore power if thats what your thinking

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Any catalytic converters can smell like rotten eggs.


This results from excessive hydrogen sulfide (the rotten eggs smell) production (caused by a chemical reaction between sulfur deposits left on the catalyst surface with water vapour from the exhaust) and is typically caused by high fuel sulfur content (deposits build-up over time) or air - fuel mixture imbalance e.g caused by failing O2 sensor.


Hope this helps



EDIT: UK scientists are required to use US-style nomenclature and spelling to have uniform understanding across the whole scientific community e.g written reports and papers, so apologies for the US-spelling of "sulphide" and "sulphur".....

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yeah I can say that if you took a V8 and cut it in half and made it rev about 1500 rpms is what mine sounds like at idle... burly...

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What can I say, I'm a scientist doing my PhD on bacteria that (amongst other things) cause production of hydrogen sulfide, so thought this was the simplest way of explaining why you smell "rotten eggs" from some catalysts.



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it's spelt "sulphur" in this country






http://www.webelements.com/webelements/ ... S/key.html

The spelling of sulphur is "sulfur" in the USA and now that IUPAC has decided it has jurisdiction over the British English language (as distinct from American English) as well as nomenclature, so we in the UK are expected to use the f word.


Sulphur is found in meteorites, volcanoes, hot springs, and as galena, gypsum, Epsom salts, and barite. It is recovered commercially from "salt domes" along the Gulf Coast of the USA. Jupiter's moon Io owes its colours to various forms of sulphur. A dark area near the crater Aristarchus on the moon may be a sulphur deposit.

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LOL, I think we knew what Struan meant.


What's the big deal with a cat smelling anyway? They always stink when the engine is working hard and when cold. Smells more on bigger engine cars because more cylinders = more fuel burned = more egg smells.


One of those Bentley thingies with the turbo W12 in it booted it in front of me the other week and it stank to high heaven.... but I like that smell ;-)

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