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Clutch Judder

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Hello Guys,


I have got a clutch judder, particularly bad in traffic 1st and 2nd gears.


Does this mean the clutch is on the way out?


Any remedies for it apart from a clutch change?





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I bought my rado about a year ago and tried to negotiate some money off due to some clutch judder. The owner wouldn't budge and I bugeted to fit a new one.


13.5k later and it is still holding

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It could be due to a broken engine/gearbox mount, or imperfections in the (normally smooth, flat) flywheel surface which you should check if you have a new clutch.


Best wishes



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Could be input shaft bearing, its usually the case. But its a gear box strip job.



If your clutch isnt showing any sighns of slipping i'd say it was the input shaft bearing.

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Mine has a bit of judder pulling away from standstill in 1st but it tends to reduce once the car warms up.

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When I bought my G60 the owner commented that there was some clutch judder. I took it for a test drive and it seemed to me more like dodgy engine mounts. Brought the car home, replaced all mounts and its fine ever since.

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mine has clutch judder once in a while....with everyday use its fine, but if i park up for like a week in the winter when its all damp n horrible out..the first time i use the car it will judder for the first few junctions...i think maybe the friction plate is holding the damp and it drys out with a little heat from driving


its done that for 3-4 yrs and got no worse

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