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Digifant injection

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Simple questions regarding the G60's digifant injection system,what exactly is needed inorder to modify the ecu's settings?, i know that an emulater is used,what i'd like to know is were does 1 attach the emulator to?can VAG-com be used to change the eeproms settings?,from start to finish what's involved in changing for example,the rev-limit on a G60 from 6200rpm to 7500rpm?.

Any info would be most welcome because it seems that some of us go to great trouble on mechanical mods i.e,turbo instead of charger,g60 charger on valver engines etc but get stuck with digilag and the original eeprom settings totally wrong for their modded motors,i hate having to take an engine that i spent time and money on modifying and then having to hand the car over to a compleat stranger to re-map the chip.

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You need suitable blank eeproms, a chip burner and a method of editing the software on the chip to your own spec, it`s not easy. There are emulators out the but I don`t know how they work exactly and they aren`t cheap..


That`s why I went over to MegaSquirt, map it myself in my own time and get it absolutely spot on.

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WinOLS http://www.evc.de/en/download/down_winols.asp is a potentially good starting point to edit the maps both in HEX or in 2D or 3D graphics. The demo version won't allow you to save, but any other hex editor that you can copy your code to will do.


Any old 27C256 EPROM chip will do, you then need a UV eraser (to erase any previous code from the EPROM), and a reliable EPROM burner (some of the stuff on Ebay is crap, better to buy one from places like Maplins). The EPROM access time on the VAG chips is either 200 or 250 ns, so anything faster is fine.


The problem with all this is, however, to exactly know where exactly the maps lie within those 32K of code, and what sort of tinkering os required to get the the code best adapted to your engine. This is not a simple 5 minute job. Some of the engine EPROM tuning software can identify the fuel maps and display them graphically (WinOLS doesn't !), but even that may not be sufficient to get good results without at least some experience.


Increasing the rev-limit is simple: On a 189-ending chip it's stored at location 4BF2 (value is 12 E6), on a chip with 636-ending it's stored at location 4456 (value is 12 C0).


The equation to determine the hex value for a given rev limit is:


30,000,000/rev-limit(rpm), this gives you the value to store in the either of the above locations in decimal, convert this to hex, and store.


Some examples:

12 07 - 6500 rpm

10 BE - 7000 rpm

0F A0 - 7500 rpm


A lot of tuning chips will just change this location and sell you such a chip for mega-money. What you're still missing is the corresponding timing and fuelling maps for these new higher rpm values, and since they're still set to the original values, this means that your G60 will be running too lean!


TBH: I'd get a chip sorted by a reputable guy you can trust, there are too many con-artists out there, as chip- and engine-tuning is still regardied as black magic, which due to the vast amounts of expereince required, is to a certain degree true.



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Exellent info guys,i'm going to get hold of bilal again and get him to do the chip for my engine but i can't find any info on the weber injectors i have such as cc's in flow,impedience high or low etc,absured seing as i live in Italy and the dam lancia delta intergrale was made here...

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