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New Clutch Master Cylinder

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Had my C serviced down at GAE in Portsmouth at the end of last week, and also had a new clutch master cylinder fitted. It had been suffering from lack of pressure for months, sometimes it seemed fine, but other times the clutch pedal would just go pretty much to the floor and I'd have to pull it back up by putting my foot underneath!


Can't believe what a difference the new master cylinder makes. I'd also been suffering from judderyness when changing gears which I thought was down to engines mounts (although I'd already had the front mount changed), but with the new master cylinder everything is lovely and smooth - guess that if the old cylinder wasn't working well then it would have resulted in the clutch not releasing smoothly. Anyway the clutch works like a dream now and Cornelius also drained 1/2 my gearbox oil and mixed in with something thinner and it changes gear smoothly as well now. The gear change had been awful - very stiff and notchy.


So finally for the first time since I've had my C (just over a year), I'm finally able to get a decent gear change! Just need to get used to how far I need to dip the clutch to release it and I'll be away.


Cornelius also did a wonderful job with cleaning up the engine bay! Never had a mechanic clean under the bonnet before. All the hoses and plastic bits cleaned, the various fluid bottles look like they've been siliconed or something as they are so nice and clean and glossy looking! It's just for me to now clean the rest of the car so it looks as good!

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Did the slave get changed too?? - it should be really as its much cheaper than the master and a failing master will but more wear on the slave...

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Did the slave get changed too?? - it should be really as its much cheaper than the master and a failing master will but more wear on the slave...


The slave was replaced just a few months ago - so hopefully it should still be ok.

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Nice to know that the hydraulics have pretty much all been done now on my clutch! Still can't believe what a difference it makes.

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