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Engine Noise at low rpm VR6

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This is me first post, been reading the site for sometime tho :)


My car has just started making an awful noise at low rpm, between 1000-1500rpm. The sound is like a metal grating sound, it sounds to be coming from the bottom of the engine/gearbox. Have noticed that when it starts making the noise if i let off the gas it stop straight away.


The cars a 93 VR6 with 131k on the clock


Cheers :)

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This could just be the heat sheild on the CAT - the noise resonates thru the manifold and makes it sound like its inside the engine... large jubilee clip required!

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Yep, as it needs to come off anyway, unless its been changed? The last thing you want is to do this job, then 6 months down the line have to spend loads on a new clutch (assuming it wen of course), when you could have had it done for almost no labour.

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Chains don't change their noise based on throttle position, so I doubt it's that.

It could be some sort of resonance rattling some other part of the car, but IMHO it could be pinking or even piston slap or worn crank/rod bearings..

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From what you say it sounds like a 'sudden' event, ie one day no noise, next day have noise. Would therefore not immediately suspect engine/clutch area as these tend to produce noises more gradually with wear, though admit my release arm suddenly started rattling when it started to crack and bend. Tend to agree more likely to be something come loose, though the cat shield (a common problem on a VR) makes a high tinny rattle rather than a 'grating' sound as you describe

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How does the gearbox and clutch feel?


Start with the cheapest items and work your way up. Heat sheilds under car & CAT. Then other possible metal loose items. Then worry about the engine. However if the gearbox does feel sloppy or the clutch is riding, then get them done to be safe; 131k a car should have the clutch replaced once maybe twice if it was a city commuter.


Walking into a VW garage is like opening your wallet to a hobo!

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does it do this when you are driving or when you rev it when its stopped ?

it could be an engine mounting either worn or come loose

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