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I am fitting a new matirx but now stuck

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Hey guys I need a quick question answered. I am nearly half way into fitting the new matrix well I have stripped the dash of all bits and am ready to remove the dash but I can't cos it's still fastened to something!

Can some one just run through where the fasteners are on these things? I have taken the ones on each end off (next tot he doors) not sure about the water way ones? where exactly is this? oh and the bottom centre one is off. WHat am I missing

Anyone help?




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Have you got the two bolts that have to be undone in the scuttle bay?


There are also another two (I think) that you can see from the engine side of the firewall!


There's a good guide on how to do it some where here! I'll do a quick search for you :wink:

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have ya taken the 2 bolts out from under the scuttle panel?? they are hard to see, have a torch and a mirror at hand, and you will soon have that dash out.

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first time i did this (way before the popularity of this board and user guides etc) the 2 in the scuttle panel stalled the job for hours - had resorted to a crowbar, wondering why the bloody thing wouldn't com out!!!!!!


FOund then eventually tho ........

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Be careful with the two that hold the heater box to the bulkhead. Sometimes one or both of them undo the screw out of the heater box, rather than undoing the little nut off the long bolt. Makes alignment when refitting a pain in the butt, but it's not a major hassle.

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Cool got it off and have the new matrix in. just need to stick the dash back on and all is well.

I see what ppl mean though about being a pain in the arse it's not difficult just time consuming.

cheers guys with out you lot I would have still been standing scratching my head about where the two nuts were.

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...scratching my head about where the two nuts were.


steady on chap! :lol:


heheh, glad to hear you got it sorted - seems those two bolts flummox a few peeps...

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I wondered how long it would take for someone to catch on :lol:


Yeah glad I got it sorted, now all I have to sort out is the sunroof and stereo and thats it a sorted corrado to drive around in.

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paul - i've done DOZENS of sunroofs and i'm in East Boldon


If you want to finish my heater matrix seeing as your "in the groove" at the mo, I'll do your sunroof???!!! :)


Will be progressing things friday afternoon and Saturday.......

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Where is east boldon? I have a feeling it's going to be miles from me! otherwise I'd do that.


Well got the thing working, all in all about a 6 hour job andman am I glad it's done. Nice hot air coming out the vents now, only thing to do heater wise is get the fan working at all speeds again. then tackle the sunroof.

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