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radiator fan

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hey guys. my corrado's fan is after gettingt a mind of its own. it starts running while the car is off. maybe after an hour or two. whats going on?thanks

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It should run after the engine is switched off to cool the engine bay, the fuel pump will also circulate at the same time but an hour or 2 after is a bit excessive...

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OK, sounds like our problems may be related. I've just replaced the radiator thermostat that controls the fan.




Now, my fan definitely comes on, but not until the coolant temp (or at least the guage on the dashboard) hits 110, which seems far too high. Funny thing is, having pulled in with a coolant temp of 110, and got the manual out to read what temps VW consider reasonable, about 2 mins after turning the engine off the fan comes on. As soon as I switch the ignition on, it goes off again. Ignition off, fan comes on, etc.


This thread:




talks about some similar issues on the VR, but I'm not sure how it relates to a valver, and in any case, I'm not sure which car you have.


Can anyone help us? Please?! :lol:

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Corrado Radiator Fan Thermo-switches – Engines KR, 9A, 2E, ADY & PG.


All work in a similar way.


Dual switch in the radiator – Stage 1 is on at 92’C to 97’C.

Stage 2 is on at 99’C to 105’C.


A third thermo-switch via a controller is on at 100’C for all engines except the G60 “PG”. This engine has a thermo-switch that operates at 90’C. This thermo-switch operates the radiator fan via the controller in the ignition off condition.


On 16v KR & 9A engines, the third thermo-switch is located on the forward right hand side corner of the rocker cover (cam belt end). On the 8v 2E & ADY engines, it is located on the rear side of the engine rocker cover. On the G60 PG engine, it is located between the inlet chamber and the ISV.




Now, my fan definitely comes on, but not until the coolant temp (or at least the guage on the dashboard) hits 110, which seems far too high. Funny thing is, having pulled in with a coolant temp of 110, and got the manual out to read what temps VW consider reasonable, about 2 mins after turning the engine off the fan comes on. As soon as I switch the ignition on, it goes off again. Ignition off, fan comes on, etc.



That sounds as though it is working correctly except for one point. The first stage fan switch (95'C) or the first stage of the fan motor is not working. 2nd stage is working cos it cuts in at 110'C and the run-on fan thremo-switch is working with the ignition off as that is cutting in. The reason most likely for it's 2 minute delay is rising heat in the engine block.



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OK, so as I've changed the switch, I guess the next stage is to verify operation of the van at both speeds via various bridging combinations of the switch terminals, in the hope it shows up a faulty fan motor...


Will report back tomorrow night!

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OK guys, the plot thickens...


The fan definitely works on both speeds, as verified by bridging the terminals of the radiator switch connector. Now, as the switch itself is new, I can only conclude that either a) the guage on the dash is just over-reading, or b)the switch isn't "seeing" the correct temperatures during use, which suggests to me that something more serious is up.


All the radiator connections get red hot during use (well, hot enough that you wouldn't want to hold onto them for any length of time). I'm wondering whether the thermostat may be sticking and preventing the coolant from actually passing through the radiator, but I'm really clutching at straws now!

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My 1.8 16v has had phantom fan run-on issues since last summer too, with the (low-speed stage) fan cutting in and out when it felt like it even with a stone cold engine. I fixed it by simply unplugging the fan with the intention of sorting it out later. I hardly use the car and it wasn't until I boiled the crap out of it while running some engine flush through the system a few days ago that I figured I should sort it.


I've got a wiring diagram from that sketchy Russian site relating, apparently, to a 1990 car that suggests the fan is receiving power via either: a) the low-temp side of the thermo switch, b) the radiator cooling fan run-on control unit, or c) the fuel pump run-on control unit (?!).


I'm not sure I fully trust the diagram as it appears to be for a G60. This is also the first I've heard of the 'fuel pump run-on control unit'.

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