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rear calliper binding

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So this morning my rear calliper is binding :mad: , the disc has a blue/dark ish colour now so I’m guessing that its in need of sorting. I only changed the pads about a week ago and the calliper in question seemed fine.


Is there any point in refurbing the calliper? i know that seal kits can be gotten.


Basically before xmas is not a good to be buying things for the car!


I know its an old question but cant find info on refurb (the cheap'o' option)



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mine did the same after putting new pads in a couple o months ago, drivers side kept binding then it seemed fine intill a week ago when the rear pads on that side were done, i freed off the caliper and replaced the pads and seamed fine intill yesterday same thing its binding again, if you find out the problem will you p.m me . if i figure it out il message you , good luck.

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Did the rear brake bleed OK, ie. fluid flowed out quite freely without pedal pressure with the car on level ground. Sometimes the rubber brake hoses on the torsion arm collapse internally letting fluid thro under pressure to the caliper but taking ages to relieve pressure in the caliper causing it to bind.



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i have to admit i didnt bleed them, i just opened the cap on the res and wound them in, the one that seemed hardest was the other side, this one (driver side) was nice and free at the time.


edit: sure thing lindy

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Sit the car on the ground either level or slightly nose up, open the bleed nipple. It should trickle if all is well. If not, get someone to press the brake very slightly to encourage. If still not, proceed as bleeding the brakes. If the brake pedal is hard to work with the nipple open, the suspect the hose.


Another sign of the hose being suspect is that it is sweating brake fluid (wet).



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iv got goodridge braided hoses all round and the caliper seemes free to wind in , if the brake adjuster was sticky this might cause binding but you would think it would make both bind?

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When you changed the pads, did you file the wear ridge flat again on the carriers? I had the same problem last winter and basically the pads had more or less welded themselves to the carriers. I had to hammer them off. When removed, the entire carrier was rusted except a 4 or 5mm shiney patch (the wear ridge/groove) where the pads sat and didn't move basically.


When fitting the MK4 rears, I sanded the carriers down and also clearanced the pad 'claws' down a bit as they were a very tight fit in the carrier, just asking for another seizing session. Apart from a very slight bit of unexplained binding on the Rolling road day, they've been fine.

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all seems ok today so maybe its a case of them just being a raddo part. when i get a chnace (cant see when im working from now till jan 2nd when i go on holiday, including xmas!!) i will try a few, in fact all , of these things


cheers guys!!


edit: ill see if i can find any mk3 golfs in the scrappies for some rear caliper action. is ther any other car wthat offers a direct fit rear caliper?

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