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Humming Noise From Rear

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Ok now the humming noise is on all the time when the car is stationery and its coming from the rear around the fuel tank area.


If it is the fuel pump is it a straight forward job? Where is the best place to get a replacement other than a stealer and how much would I be talking for one?


I've had a look on GSF and Euro but can't seem to find a pump???





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What engine is it?


GSF do sell pumps for most VW's I think...


When was the fuel filter last replaced - when they get clogged up they can make the pump noticably noisy...

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Its a 1994 VR6, and the fuel filter was replaced very recently.


Where's the central locking pump situated? My CL isn't the strongest in the world, sometimes it won't open but only very occasionally


Cheers again


PS would the noise be happening if the ignition was just turned on if it were the CL pump?

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Definately the fuel pump if it starts humming as soon as you turn the ignition to position 3 and then stops when you switch off the ignition, mine's made a noticeable humming ever since I've had it and various mechanics have said it's fine.


No idea about the location of the CL pump though.

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Yeah I'm tending to lean towards the fuel pump as I can't understand why the CL pump would be continuously on???


So any ideas as to how much a fuel pump would cost?


Should I just leave it?



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sounds like the fuel pump , have you had a feel of it when it makes the noise , you should feel the vibration


the cl pump is in the boot on the right hand side behind the carpet but i'm sure this is only active when you use it





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The fuel pump sounds like a high pitched whine all the time and will be coming from the bottom of the fuel tank on the right hand side. If you look under the boot carpet, there's a black hatch that covers it - if the sound's coming from there then you're looking at £70ish for a new pump, probably more if you need the sender too.


The central locking pump is behind the rear door card on the driver's side and makes more of a 'moo' kinda noise :lol:

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The central locking pump is behind the rear door card on the driver's side and makes more of a 'moo' kinda noise


are you sure ? i'm fairly sure mine is in the boot on the right hand side behind the carpet in a polystyrene box

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The central locking pump is behind the rear door card on the driver's side and makes more of a 'moo' kinda noise


are you sure ? i'm fairly sure mine is in the boot on the right hand side behind the carpet in a polystyrene box


yep,the window control module lives behind the drivers side rear card not the cl pump

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Definately the fuel pump if it starts humming as soon as you turn the ignition to position 3 and then stops when you switch off the ignition, mine's made a noticeable humming ever since I've had it and various mechanics have said it's fine.


No idea about the location of the CL pump though.


Cheers steve_16v can't believe the bloody price, god knows how much a stealer would want!!!


So the next question to be answered is has anyone changed one before and if so is it a simple enough job?


Thanks Again Guys



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Just to throw another possibility into the mix, i'm sure I remember a thread about someone having a humming noise from the back and it turned out to be something to do with his heated seats?



..or maybe its a giant humming bird on the rear seat?

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I think some low-volume humming can be OK - more than one garage in the past has told me it's pretty normal on VAG cars.


Having said that, I replaced the (humming) fuel pump on mine some time back, but found the new pump was silent. However, only a few months later the hum had returned. It's been like like for nearly 2 years now; not down on power and fine to drive. Untill it starts getting really loud I intend to leave it.

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Cheers Joe, the car has just been serviced and it wasn't mentioned on the service report but then again the VAG chimps are hardly the best!!!


Did you change the pump ok? Any problems and was it straight forward?



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Once I heard the same humming noise coming from the back when you switch on the elctricals. When you start the engine the problems remains though you cannot heart it very well. So when i opened the boot i could localize where the sound was from. It was the fuel pump which is inside the fuel tank. The noise was getting louder day after day. A couple of days later i couldn´t start the car neither listen the fuel pump switching on with the electrics. I started looking for a brand new fuel pump, here in Portugal i found the better price at the local Bosch Dealer! Hope this helps! Take care os that fuel pump as soon as possible if you don´t want to get stuck on the road just like me!

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I was bored today and it's been raining non stop for 3 days...,so i decided to fit a spare CIS bosch pump inside my G60's pierburg fuel pump housing,i paid nothing for the pump because when i scrapped my old golf 2 i removed it and kept it in a jar of petrol.

Anyway,the only time consuming part is trying to see through the petrol inside the tank whilst re-locating the plastic fuel pump housing's pegs located on the bottom of the fuel tank,if you decide to fit a CIS bosch pump in place of the tired O/E g60's version, be sure to get the right model,i.e,the pump that's open at one end and fitted with a fuel filter/strainer,fuel pumps such as the CIS pump fitted to ford escort rs turbos,cossys,porsches etc aren't any good because the pump's got a pick-up pipe meaning that there's no way of fitting a filter,don't worry about the pump being mounted verticaly,i've had no problems so far.

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That seems ok to me VEEDUBBED,

But i got a Bosch Fuel Pump and it looks just like the ones VW are selling.

Same fitting. :)

Be sure to get a 4 bar pump!

And yes... it´s not very easy to fit them when hou have some fuel in tank...

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