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Another pulling to the left thread..

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Right, I've been trying to sort out a problem with the rado pulling to the left, bought it with it pulling to the left, was informed that it had been solved and had then started pulling again when new shocks and springs were fitted, This doesn't seem to be the case.

Ive replaced the springs as they were incorrect, Apparently the balljoints have been replaced recently.... There are a number of spots of yellow paint on the driveshafts, anti roll bar, and rear beam?! (marks made by a scrapyard?) this indicates that they have been replaced right?! So it's maybe been jumped up a kerb quite hard, there doesn't seem to be any structural damage showing and the body etc is mint so all underside damage if i'm right... Anyway, I have just taken it in to get the tracking and camber done, and it seems to be off on caster by less than a degree but the guy at garage informs me this is enough to make it pull to the left...?! Oh, and caster isn't adjustable... Is this correct???


heres the readout:




Oh, and the front toe is set to 0, I thought all cars should toe in at the front?


Would it be worth replacing the bushes, or what would you recommend I do?


Thanks for any feedback.... :?

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They always pull to the left, never to the right,


Ive tracked it soooooooooo many time now, cant be bothered to fix it for the 2 days it lasts.

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Does it pull to the left if you drive on the right hand side of the road?


Roads are built with camber the the edge is lower than the centre to aid dranage.


I wouldn't be suprised if it pulled to the right whilst driving on the right hand side.

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Yeah mine pulls to the left or right depending on road lean and it's 100% bang on geometry wise. Lorry ruts are the worst and a complete pain the arse, the front wheels can't make up their mind which direction they want to take!

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cheers for the replys..


another question: has anyone got any photos of underside of their VR6 showing the front subframe etc, just want to check as the mountings for the wishbones dont look the same at each end, one has a metal kind of cover going over bushing area and the other side doesn't?! (or am I overly looking at stuff too much)


Def not the lie of the road as its pulling reasonably hard to the left, also noticed a squeak tonight from what sounds like rear right when going round a sharp right hander, dunno if that could be related...


I think first thing i'm going to do is get a complete bushing replacement done....

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does it pull all the time or just under acceleration or braking ?

does the car lean at all , have measured the center of the wheel to the arch, to make sure each side is equal

stupid but have you checked tyre pressures ? what about the top mounts ?are they worn? does the left wheel get hotter than the right ?

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