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replacing valve seals

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anyone know a better way than buying the plastic tool for installing my valve seals? I am redoing the seals and stems before I put on this AMG charger so I dont have oil burning still... no my rings arent fried.


anyway looking for a better alternative, can I use a empty pen tube or something?

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how hard is it to replace valve guides when I am doing the seals? do they have to be pressed in and can I do it with the cylinder head on the car?

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There's no way you'll shift the guides easily without a hyd press,some say the guides should be fitted with the head heated to 100 degrees first,the manual states that you drift them in on a cold cyl head,i once did change all 16 guides by making a tool and just whacked them in and out on a cold head with a mallet i had no problems luckly but you could easily break the top off a guide and cause other damage.

If you do decide to try it's very important that you first measure with a caliper the actual guide height in the head,should be 10mm(seal end of guide)the stem seals can also be real swines to remove without the special pliers,forget using normal pliers,believe me,they won't work.

11mm long socket works when re-fitting stem seals,always lubricate the top of the valve first and use the special plastic sleeve to protect the stem seal from the valve's ridges that retain the valve collets

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ooooook, so I wont replace the guides and I guess I will buy the dumb pliers and the plastic guide, I ordered seals but there was no guide with them.... -.-

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Yeah,sometimes they tend to 'forget' to add the small plastic sleeve,i bought a pair of those pliers 3 years ago when i was down in England at a tool fair for a tenner,paid for themselves the first time i used them.

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