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VW contacted me re: Scirocco

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Hopefully they will take all of your points onboard but we will have to wait and see.


Hopefully the marketing types will see the value in producing a modern version of a 'rocco that is true to the original; a light mainstream production car with a good engine is an unusual thing in the current market place.

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Tempest, Thats lush that you got to go buddy.

I'm really suprised those spied shots of the rocca were confirmed as fake!!!


I wonder if VW said that because you lot said it looked like a coupe pug!!! haha


Are you down in Feb Eric?


P.s. Car is sweet... Shhh tho ;)

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Are you down in Feb Eric?


Looks like it ;-) No exact dates yet, but could be as soon as next week!


P.s. Car is sweet


Which one? The red Rieger Mk1 Rocco in Dirk's Scirocco Emotions video? :lol: Yup, couldn't agree more :lol:


BTW: Surprised no-one asked yet what the song is and by whom :lol:



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BTW: Surprised no-one asked yet what the song is and by whom :lol:


See, there's this new-fangled thing called t'Internet that has all sorts of search facilities. It's like a huuuuuge library and you can check what songs sound like if you have iTunes...




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3:07: Yup, the Hungarian Rocco-connection. Seen some of them at the Karmann event 2004 :-)


@ Musicman: Good work, you've found the track :-)



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so anyone think or heard of a new corrado, just out of interest?


I think you'll find that given the launch of the new "Scirocco" will also ater to the Rado driver.


Also bear in mind that the VW people actually did ask us in Berlin, whether they should call the new sports coupe a "Scirocco" or a "Corrado", so they're not quite sure themselves yet :lol:


Our answer?


Well, if it won't do justice to the Mk1 or the Mk2 Rocco, then just call it a Corrado :lol: The few Rado-owners present (i.e. me and 1 or 2 others, but we all have Roccos, of course) then hastily added, that if it wouldn't do justice to the Rado either, they should just call it a Golf :lol:



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As soon as the official pictures come out and as long as they look okay, i'll put my deposit down :)


Two conditions;


Has to be German built (Had enough of this unreliable Spanish/Portugal built crap to last me a lifetime)


Preferably to be called Corrado; The word Scirroco reminds me too much of vynil and 80's haircuts ;)


Oh, and preferably a Diesel version, LOL!


I had a similar experience when I was invited to see the Q7 in Ingolstadt early last year. When asked to describe it in one word I just said 'Powerful', shaking my head. The Germans looked at me as if I was nuts! :lol:

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(I even stated, that I don't want Bosch's finest gadgets like ABS, ESB and all sorts of other crap 3-letter acronyms, as the Rocco never needed them in the first place thanks to its solid mechanical engineering, compared to electronics patching dogdy mechanics),




You've gotta admit ABS and all the otehr horrid 3 letter bull is actually worth having. First off you could say it helps as a safety feature, and whilst you may well drive safely and more so than most, there could be that one occasion that ABS will stop you more safely if a kid ran out in the road. Just a thought. Then there is performance - firstly you maybe able to prove to me that you can do a quicker lap on the track without ABS, but all the other gadgets really do help; why else do F1 develop these things? Now if you're taking that rocco off road, then yup, turn it all off. Safety!


you know we're jealous though ;)

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Have to agree with StuartFZR400 on the subject of ABS - so long as it isn't overly intrusive its a good thing.


As for the other electronic gubbins - Tempest is right; they aren't a subsitute for good design & solid engineering. They can be effective when implemented sensibly, but they can cause planty of problems of their own.


PAS, for example, should 'turn off' once reasonable speeds are realised to ensure the driver retains useful steerig feedback. Many modern systems make the steering feather light and very sloppy even at motorway speeds and beyond.


Traction Control - I drove a MkIV Astra before buying my C. The Astra didn't have a switch to disable its traction control system. I almost crashed the Astra a few times because of its overly intrusive TCS: When cornering, the inner wheel will normally spin a bit, unless a LSD is used. When turning left, if the the gutter is gritty/dusty the inner wheel may spin more than normal. The TCS then applies the brakes to that wheel, causing it to regain full traction which in turn causes the car to suddenly oversteer mid corner. Luckily I got away with a kerbed alloy and quickly learned how to react when the car thought it knew better.


However, on other occasions I charged into tight bends a little too fast and the only thing* that kept me out of the opposite field was the same TCS.


Any performance car, and hence the new 'rocco/rado/whatever-its-called, should include enough electronics to make it 'safe' in the hands of novice drivers (by that I mean the 90+% of drivers who don't appreciate the physics involved in driving quickly & safely), but must also include the option to disable them all (or as far as is practical) for experienced drivers.


*I think - the car intervened and I didn't get a chance to prove whether or not I could have recovered manually ;-)

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Y would you insist that it is built at karman? They did a good job on the corrado but they are not a very good company. We have been dealing with them at work and they are quite frankly shocking. totaly useless.

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They did a good job on the corrado but they are not a very good company. We have been dealing with them at work and they are quite frankly shocking. totaly useless.


In what way? Would be interesting to know. Mind you, all the good old hack like Schwebe (chief construction engineer) have left anyway, indeed even Karmann is out, well apart from one member left on the board. The rest of the factory in Osnabrück is just leased by Wilhelm Karmann Jr himself, so at least he's still making some money :lol:



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