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Chicken or the egg question ?

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I've got a chicken or the egg, sort of question for you ! :)

I recently asked this to a member of the cheshire constabulary and after a night in a cell, i still didn't get an anwser ?? :wink:


So, I'll put it to you . . . . . picture a motorway:


Which one is worse. . . . . .


The Dude who undertakes ?


Or the tw@t hogging the middle lane?


Answers on a postcard ! :-P

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the dude who undertakes, cause u could easily overtake the guy in the middle lane, providing the fast lane was clear?

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I was thinking this very thought on the way home, due to the fact I had to undertake someone who refused to move out of the right lane of a dual-carriageway, doing 20mph below the speed limit on a perfectly clear evening.


If my knowledge of the highway code is right, does it not advise you to move over as soon as possible, and yet never undertake?


Which would put the bias on the undertaker being more in the wrong. Annoyingly.

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Under taking is a big no no and damn right stupid and dangerous. And anyone caught doing it should be dealt with appropriately.


I do however understand the 'dual carriageway' scenario, but any other time is not acceptable.



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Drive right up there arse with lights off then put every front facing light on them when ur almost touching there bumper!

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Drive right up there arse with lights off then put every front facing light on them when ur almost touching there bumper!



Err no. 'Cos you'll get the blame if involved in an accident for not leaving enough braking distance.


And "dazzling" other road users is just as bad too.


In the end - if they didn't hog the middle lane, they wouldn't cause all these other problems... so as you say - chicken 'n' egg!

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lean on the horn for a few mins. and smile, or wave. Ususally works and gets their attention more than just driving like a joyrider.



After all the Highway code does say the horn is only to be used to alert other road users to your presence.

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someone who refused to move out of the right lane of a dual-carriageway, doing 20mph below the speed limit on a perfectly clear evening.


You are allowed to undertake in slow moving traffic,


Not sure if that could be applied here tho :wink:

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Personally I think the person in the middle lane is worse. The middle and outside lane are OVERTAKING lanes. If the lane to teh left of you is clear then you should be in that lane. I would say it is FAR more dangerous to go from the inside lane cross 2 lanes to overtake someone in the middle lane then swerve all the way back into the inside lane!!!! (ok maybe swerve is a little exaggerated but you get my drift!!!)

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Under taking is a big no no and damn right stupid and dangerous.

Firstly, I understand that it's an illegal maneuver. What I don't understand is why exactly. I mean, how is it any harder to check a near-side mirror before changing lanes than it it to check an off-side mirror before changing lanes?


I can think of situations where it may be dodgy, like two cars overtaking a middle-lane user on either side. Although that middle-lane user still shouldn't change lane without checking the appropriate mirror first.


I must be missing something because I can't see what makes it "damn right stupid and dangerous". Help me out here.

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It's legal in the US...


And in the US you can't cross the road when a few hundred metres from a pedestrian crossing.


And on my way to work, I come across Mum's walking their 3 children down the middle of the road waiting for a gap to continue crossing the road.


For once, I'm with the US on both counts!

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Under taking is a big no no and damn right stupid and dangerous. And anyone caught doing it should be dealt with appropriately.


I do however understand the 'dual carriageway' scenario, but any other time is not acceptable.




you started yer new job then?? :twisted:

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P*icks that hog the outside lane really p*ss me off, whether they do it on purpose or because they are completely cr*p drivers needs to be established, personally I think the cops should also have pulled him/her over & found out what they- the "hogger" was doing. In my opinion they are potentially causing others to drive dangerously by not pulling over & should be told that they do not own the road :2gunfire:

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