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whats going on with my gearbox? or is it the ECU???

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my vr6 auto has just recently started defaulting into 3rd gear! if i take a corner at high speed the gearbox will go into 3rd gear no matter what gear i'm in, and also if i pull away fast from a standing start it does the same! is this a problem with the box or is it the ECU running in safe mode? any suggestions??? you need to stop and turn the ignition off to re-set it!!!

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Have you disconnected the battery at all?


If so, the Autobox ECU has to be set up with diagnostics.


Otherwise, erractic / strange things happen.............



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I've heard of this before. It may be something to do with one of the gearbox's internal sensors. Try searching the forum a bit more.

I am told it's expensive to fix... :(

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Solenoid valve not working, fault 00262. VW advise is to check the external electrical connections to the Auto-gearbox for moisture and corrosion. This valve is controlled by the red wire from the auto-ECU connector to the autobox connector. Worth a check on this one and while at it, the other 9 coloured wires from the autobox connector (black & black/white are joined at the ECU connector.


Failing this, the No3 solenoid has failed. Part is a ribbon circuit strip with the solenoid valves on it. If it gets to this extreme, I can’t see the part on the VW parts list and would suppose the only option is a autobox specialist.

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is there any way of checking the wire integrity? like with a multimeter or something? a way to see if the wire is broken or something? thanks for the advise so far, you have been a great help.

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If you've got an ohmeter it should be easy enough to check the wire's integrity.. Most multimeters can do basic closed/open circuit testing aswell as resistance, within reason.

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