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lovely smell of petrol

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Have just gone out in the vr and it absolutely stinks of petrol. it's been 'hunting' up and down on the revs today - no idea if that is related or not.


The strange thing is it's been running like absolute poo for a week or so, but since the petrol smell/hunting its running smooth and true! Also, yesterday i put the air-con on and that made it run far better as well!!!!




Any ideas? Don't worry, you can't shock me - she's due a bottom end rebuild anyway :)

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fek me!


i had a look under the bonnet this morning and couldn't see or smell any petrol, so started her up......

big spray of petrol coming from the pipe feeding the fuel line!!!


and the next problem will be.................

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Holy moly, lucky you haven't driven through any fire recently!


Yeh man i hate driving through fire, its really annoying and you just cant get the charred remains of on lookers off your car

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i must admit, i had noticed the petrol consumption had plumetted the last couple of days. it must have been slow at first cos the smell only just started last night.

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Yeh man i hate driving through fire


Aye, luckily it doesn't happen very often... unlike jumping over police roadblocks which is a daily occurrence!

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have a feeling my car is trying to bump me off


.........or maybe it`s a disgruntled taxi driver, eh will :lol:


don't say that mate! i think there are possibly a few mildly 'disgruntled' folk round worthing now - it's a bit quiet and conservative for a 'properly' driven vr :)

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G on my car, nothing is easy! You're aware of the extent of my mechanical skills already ;)


Looks like i'll just have to replace the whole pipe really - it's where a screw on my air filter fixing is rubbing on the fuel line! Nice and safe then! Lucky i got me van on thursday :)


Mate, if you're in worthing on tuesday it would be good to meet up - i'll show you my fekked suspension too :(

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could someone please tell if this 'fuel line' has a name/part number etc so i can get hold of a replacement?


its the top of the two rubber hoses feeding the fuel rail (with the quality coke bottle top repair ;) ). its got a nice rip in it where the air filter touches


edit: i'm sure my terminology is way out, but you get the idea :)

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Er, don't know what part number they are, but I think they're about £80 the pair if not more :(

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its called a fuel hose no less,ones feed the other is return,there should be arrows on the pipe telling you which way the fuel is flowing

part numbers 021 133 990k(feed)

021 133 988k (return)

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dinkus - drop in the ocean recently mate :(


dazzy - ta very much chap. stealer only? or would gsf be able to get that?



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Yup, just found them on ETKA and those part numbers are right.


They're a 021 part number, so not Corrado-specific and according to the ATP on ETKA, the same as Golf/Vento VR parts.

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Yup, just found them on ETKA and those part numbers are right.


They're a 021 part number, so not Corrado-specific and according to the ATP on ETKA, the same as Golf/Vento VR parts.


thanks mate. i'll go and take one off the goluf then.


anything i should drain/turn off/do before i take it off?

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Ooh, those Demon Tweeks ones look pretty cool and are probably cheaper than the VAG gear too.


It'd be nice for a definition of what 'low pressure' and 'high pressure' consists of tho :roll:

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