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yet another big nasty CLUNK thread!

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I havent driven the horse much for the best part of a year. Its been in the garage. So today when I get it out for the first time in ages theres this massive CLUNK noise (it really does sound nasty) when you turn the steering wheel to the left. About one turn does it then another one when you turn it back. Its comming from the passenger side while stationary or moving slowly, which is all i've done for fear of it all falling apart.


I suppose I can expect something to be seized after a long period of sitting in the garage. Has this happened to anyone? Any ideas of where to start when I start pulling it all to peices?


Cheers in advance



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My first bet would be a bush or something? i had nasty clunk and it turned out to be the wishbone bolt worked loose!!! tho if its been standing, seems unlikely?

Get the WD40 out and have good spraying sesh before you pull bits off i would say!!

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Could it possibly be a fekked top mount?

My left one is totally shagged - it doesn't clunk but it jolts and i can feel the strut move when i do a parking manouvre.

Just a thought.

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Could be your spring sticking in the spring plate when you turn then it suddenly winding round and clunking.

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Or maybe a ball joint has dried out. Had one go on the roll bar of the Audi, sounded like someone taking an angle grinder to the inside of the arch when it tried to flex. Surprising how much noise they can make.

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I would suggest you get and have a good look around inside the passenger front suspension area and give a lever/pull on a few bits to see if anything is obviously loose.


But I would agree with the 'it's likely to be a top mount' theory

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