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hi guys can you get VAG discs for the g60 from gsf or euro car parts or is it just cheaper from main vag dealer thanks andy


p.s does anyone know how much they are cheers andy?

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GSF don't sell the genunie disks, not sure about ECP tho.


If you as nicely, you can usually get a fairly hefty discount on the VAG disks from the dealer tho.


Alternatively, the Brembo disks from GSF seem to be pretty highly rated.

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Yep, before I got the Gay Pee Gaycings, I used the Bimbos in combination with Pagid Fast Road pads and they worked nicely together, really good bite and feel.


If you do use VAG discs, it's an idea to arm yourself with a magnetic dial guage as I've had problems with VAG metal having very poor runout in the past. Any more than 0.2mm runout, take them back and get a refund! 0.1mm is the maximum acceptable, but ideally should be around 0.01 to 0.05.

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kev you've just put me off as i dont have a magnetic dial out gauge! will start saving for the brembo one's me thinks! also just got off phone to vw parts & servicing at local dealers and they want just under £40 a disc!


also how do you guys get discount from the steelers am i missing something?

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As your probably aware im currently rebuilding my G60, one of the jobs im doing this week is the disk and pads all round, I found AVS http://www.vwspares.co.uk fantastic for genuine parts and cheap too.


I got both the front and rear standard disk, pads and handbrake cables all for 150quid including delivery just waiting to get them now... :roll:

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kev you've just put me off as i dont have a magnetic dial out gauge! will start saving for the brembo one's me thinks! also just got off phone to vw parts & servicing at local dealers and they want just under £40 a disc!


also how do you guys get discount from the steelers am i missing something?


LOL, they're not all like that, it's just that mass produced discs for mass produced cars aren't made to the same standards as expensive brake manufacturers.


I had a set of 312s from Audi that had bad run out, so I took them back and bought the brembos instead, which were not only cheaper, but better and the brake feel/bite with the same pads was a lot better too.


Some dealers treat regular customers well and that's how I get my discounts, I don't even have to ask for it anymore, they just lop 10% off most things I order automatically. I also have a mate that works at an Audi dealer (can get VW parts) which helps too ;-)

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kev im gonna go for some grooved discs and pagid fr pads see how that goes! regarding the discs


has anyone heard of omp discs i didnt even know they made them are they any good?

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Keep on top of the disc maintanence if using grooved ones. I didn't bother scraping the compacted brake dust out of the grooves when I had groovey discs and they just turned into plain discs :-)


Not heard of OMP discs, they're a good brand by and large so they should be cool....but most disc producers use the same foundries, so you might just get a pagid or brembo disc with a different sticker on it :-)

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OMP Generally make race clothing, so no idea what they're doing splatting a sticker on brake disks - as Kev says, they're probably just re-branded Brembos or somesuch...

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i think i'll either get those or the brembo's on gsf cozill be getting my pads from gsf! thanks for info on cleaning them what would you best use a wire wool brush or something fella? are your discs plain grooved etc kev?

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If the compacted dust gets really bad, you have to chip it out of the grooves with a sharp implement and a hammer! The key is to regularly keep the grooves clear and not let it build up like I did :-) I'm just lazy like that.


My current discs are drilled mate. They come that way in the kit but I would have preferred plain discs really. Having said that, they are awesome in the wet though as any water that gets on the disc is pumped through the holes and blasted out by the centrifugal action of the disc vents. Even after not using the brakes for a prolonged period on a wet motorway, stamping on them feels the same as they do in the dry. Quite impressed by that!

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