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Dec's 1.8 16v Turbo project!

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Updated the msq file with some of your ideas Stu! Did make a bit of a difference.


Turning over quite nicely and sounding better......then a large backfire and flash out the exhaust! Now dark out there, so have given up for the day. plus It's starting to scar passers by! :lol:


Another check of the timing and fueling tomorrow eve.............................

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  Dec said:
Updated the msq file with some of your ideas Stu! Did make a bit of a difference.


Turning over quite nicely and sounding better......then a large backfire and flash out the exhaust! Now dark out there, so have given up for the day. plus It's starting to scar passers by! :lol:


Another check of the timing and fueling tomorrow eve.............................

Well, progress then! 8) What did you change in the end? You got your latest msq file you can send me? It might be that fiddling with the dizzy again with the new settings could be in order?

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Yup, that's what I'm thinking!!


Oh.....and it's starting to scare passers by.....not scar them (yet) :lol:

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  Dec said:
Oh.....and it's starting to scare passers by.....not scar them (yet) :lol:

Didn't even notice that typo :lol:

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hmmmm....still no go from the engine! :sad:


re-checked all the pipework, I've tried every possible timing position, and it's definitel getting a spark.


On a bad note, I noticed smoke coming through the filter at the top of the oil-catch-can (linked to the crankcase breather at the front of the block) when I was turning it over this afternoon. On further examination, the smoke stank of petrol. Is this due to flooding the engine by trying to get it started daily? Or is something more serious? :confused4:


I'm thinking something must be wrong with the injectors. Plus they may be leaking when closed. When turning it over I had 3-bar in the fuel rail, when I left it for just under an hour the pressure had dropped to under 0.5-bar. The pressure should obviously drop....but is this a little too quick i.e leaky injector?


SO.....all syptoms of duff injectors? something else? Or is this smoke through the crankase breather something more ominous? :cry:

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Ok,so lets concentrate on fueling.

Can you have a go at putting your msq up again mate?

Vista must let you change the file extension name somehow?!!

What required fuel number are you using?How did you calculate it?

Did you use the MS software to do it?

Are you using low Z's or high Z squirters?


Is it catching or spluttering at all?


Can you post up a pic of your crank pulse table maybe?


The smoke is prolly petrol fumes from all the no starts i'd guess.

Are you doing flood clears every now and then?

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MS extra 1.0.2 Msq, and log files attached (ziping it seems to get past the upload restrictions) :wink:


Required fuel is set at 9.1. I had tested setting it higher, but it didn't seem happy. The required fuel is set using megasquirt itself. 1781cc engine, 325cc injectors.


They are low impedance (3 ohm) Cosworth injectors.


It does sound close to catching now and again, but never actually quite gets there.


Good to hear the smoke isn't fatal! I've been flood clearing it every so often, and pulling the spark plugs out for a while when swapping the batteries over. But I prob could do with doing it a bit more often!

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ok,i'll try and have a look at your msq today at work.

I may have to do some jiggery pokery 1st as my megatune is set up for MS2.


One other thing to be aware of.

A couple of times I fouled plugs in the beginning when I went through this stage.

Maybe keep a spare set knocking around.




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  dirtytorque said:
ok,i'll try and have a look at your msq today at work.

I may have to do some jiggery pokery 1st as my megatune is set up for MS2.


One other thing to be aware of.

A couple of times I fouled plugs in the beginning when I went through this stage.

Maybe keep a spare set knocking around.




Isn't your set-up MS2 Dec?

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oops! Indeed it is!That post of mine may not have been too clear. Should have stuck a 2 in the MS'2' extra 1.0.2 :wink:

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  Dec said:
oops! Indeed it is!That post of mine may not have been too clear. Should have stuck a 2 in the MS'2' extra 1.0.2 :wink:




will still need to create a new project(Car) in megatune as my setup is configured for MS2 not MS extra.

It will generate erros otherwise and I won't be able to view your tables etc.

doing it now..

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what board are you running?

If you have low impedance injectors (less than 4 Ohms), set the:


PWM Time Threshold to 1.0 msec, and

PWM Current Limit to:

30% on a V3 or V3.57 main board (if you have the active flyback circuit installed).

30% on a V2.2 main board (if you have the separate flyback board installed).

75% on a V2.2 main board (if you do not have the separate flyback board installed).

Set the initial PWM% to 75% if and only if you have you impedance injectors and have NOT installed:


the active flyback circuit on a V3 main board (assembly manual step #69), or

the 'Flyback Board' daughter card on a V2.2 main board).


your current limit is set to 70 % at the mo.

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  dirtytorque said:
what board are you running?

If you have low impedance injectors (less than 4 Ohms), set the:


PWM Time Threshold to 1.0 msec, and

PWM Current Limit to:

30% on a V3 or V3.57 main board (if you have the active flyback circuit installed).

30% on a V2.2 main board (if you have the separate flyback board installed).

75% on a V2.2 main board (if you do not have the separate flyback board installed).

Set the initial PWM% to 75% if and only if you have you impedance injectors and have NOT installed:


the active flyback circuit on a V3 main board (assembly manual step #69), or

the 'Flyback Board' daughter card on a V2.2 main board).


your current limit is set to 70 % at the mo.

There must be like loads of different manuals for MS, as the on I looked at whilst attempting to help Dec said 70% for the current limit!

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Actually I just thought.

That was from the megamanual site.The official verison of MS.

Was it the MS extra site that you looked at ?


It was this parameter along with dizzy position that held me up.

I had mine configured for pwm because for some reason I thought a g60 had low Z's in it.

Gawd knows where I got that from. :scratch:


Anyway,dec will need to use PWM as he has Low Z's on there.


Are they ebay injectors?

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I'm using the v3.57 board now.


The shear amount of info available is kind of overwhelming, and a lot of it is different, which doesn't help!


They are as good as ebay injectors (was given them by a friend of a friend). I was told they were working perfectly when removed.......but cant be 100% sure obviously. they are standard blue-tops off a cosworth saphire. so should be 325cc and I measured the resistance across the pins at about 3 ohms.

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ah....so does the v3.57 board have the active flyback circuit installed as default? I was assuming it didn't!!

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  Dec said:
ah....so does the v3.57 board have the active flyback circuit installed as default? I was assuming it didn't!!

I feel that you are getting closer and closer :D I've got a good feeling that it's going to start tonight ;)

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lol...cheers Stu!


I originally had a v3.0 board that I built myself, but then in a fit of crazy spending bought the v3.57 board, which is a factory built board with surface mounted components.....so not diy'able. :wink:

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Note that most distributors are shipping the V3 main board with the flyback circuit installed. If you are not sure, look for the presence of Q3 and Q11 on the heat sink (3rd and 7th from the left), or ask the distributor.





do you have these components?

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Yup.....Q3 and Q11 are in there:






The diyautotune site lists the v3.57 board as having the flyback circuit installed, but the uk site I bought it off made no mention to it......prob the cause of my confusion! :lol: :roll:

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