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Driving choices

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Whoever asked "when did overtaking become illegal?" hit the nail on the head.


It seems totally frowned on and I have no idea why. I drive a lot in West Wales and there is an almost polarised level of skill, some people will just zip past smoothly and safely when there's a chance.


But the majority are just as happy to sit 10ft from your rear bumper (whether you're being held up or not), then when they thinks it's safe, pull out and floor it in 5th - no acceleration at all so you end up having to slow down to let them back in!


Another ppet hate is the queue of cars scenario. You sit at the back of the tailgaters and leave a safe distance. So then the cars behind you overtake into the gap in front (because you left a safe distance) and cause they can't overtake the tailgaters ahead, you just end up one car back, and then the next car does and you're two cars back....etc.etc. which unfortunately leads people to taligate and the vicious circle continues.

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Think my whole thread started there ssstuff. And your last idea maybe true; although Im sure the proper thing to do is just sit back and keep letting people in. I personally avoid having people come past me by my driving style - I'll sit way back then boot it round the last corner looking for an overtake opportunity, if none are to be had, then I ease off again - the person behind cannot overtake either due to the same hazard ahead. He can clearly see Im trying the same overtake that he is. Although I must says it rare for people to do much overtaking where I live. Should it be that one rainy misserable day (or sunny) that I do NOT feel like overtaking, then Im more than happy to sit back and let Mr Jag/TVR/Aston overtake me - because he is just as likely to keep overtaking the rest of the que too.

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Got another cracking story today. Followed a long line of traffic. The Polo ahead was tailgating the car infront of her, whilst weaving into the gutter at times, but worst of all she was hitting the brakes every 5 seconds due to her close proximity.


I sat well back until the duel-c came up and so I overtook, but fatty was still acting the nooob, so I looked at her and she was smoking a fag. Either way she was driving like a loon, so I shook my head and booted off ahead.


Later on she catches me up, coming upto a roundabout. Hmmm, interesting, is she going to overtake me on this roundabout, cos Im going to take this at a good lick. Erm, no ----- arrhhhhh no, Fatty has sped past me and then cut across my nose and yanked her brakes on hard. I gave a long sound of my horn, knowing full well she had done that on purpose, as the island was empty. She almost hit my C


Had I not broke & crashed, surely I would have no proof it was her wrekless fault and thus be put to blame come an insurance claim?!?!! All cos Fatty was so busy having a fag (and whatever else she was doing) whilst tailgating and acting the loon and got pizzled off cos some lad in some old vw had driven past and given a look of dispair. What was her Goal ??? Next roundabout I was gone , a mere spec on the horizon.

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Whoever asked "when did overtaking become illegal?" hit the nail on the head.


It seems totally frowned on and I have no idea why. I drive a lot in West Wales and there is an almost polarised level of skill, some people will just zip past smoothly and safely when there's a chance.


But the majority are just as happy to sit 10ft from your rear bumper (whether you're being held up or not), then when they thinks it's safe, pull out and floor it in 5th - no acceleration at all so you end up having to slow down to let them back in!


Twas me.


I can't claim credit for that statement as I read one of Richard Porter's columns in Evo and he raised the same issue in his rantings. He also touched on distractions that motorists face, such as adverts, pretty women etc etc....which is true....a feck off great advert advertising some horny bird in a push up bra, what are you going to look at, the car in front, or the fit bird on the billboard? :-) Oh and he also mentioned the Corrado in that he misses interesting cars with spoilers that move up! They do like the Rado in Evo towers!


Anyway, yes, brits seem to hate being overtaken. They treat it as a personal afront. Drive anywhere in europe and there is a certain 'de facto' agreement with overtaking. In italy for example, cars behind wanting to get past will get right up your arse and straddle both lanes, lights on, indicating there desire to get past. You move over and off they go....no evil stares, no w@nker signs, nothing. It's how it is and no one takes it personally, unlike some narrow minded f'ckwit English people (present company excluded of course!). I loved driving in Italy, particularly in the busy cities. People just get on with it, cutting you up etc etc...it's their way. They just go about their business and don't worry about some kid on a scooter driving in front of them. Probably why they live longer, less stress!


English... I tell ya, if they kick off in any of the football matches cause they're such poor losers (well, they are losers) they deserve all the hidings they get. I'm sorry but I'm not patriotic at all. I'm actually ashamed to be British. Think I'm going to move to Saudi Arabia and become a sand hermit :lol:


Know exactly what you mean about overtaking styles, i.e in 5th! They're of the same breed that sit behind a lorry on a motorway for ages and you're like, 500m behind them in the outside lane approaching. They wait until you're just about to pass and THEN overtake, causing you to hit the brakes. Then they dawdle past the lorry, as if to make a point of slowing you down deliberately, having had acres of space to overtake ages before you getting anywhere near them. Tossers.


I say you can never have too much power. You need it for overtaking morons quickly and getting on with your journey. Let them fume up and curse you....f'ck em.

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After some dodgy weather the return of sunshine has put me back in the mood to make progress. Last night I came up on a 4x4 stuck behind a Rover. I knew of two overtaking opportunities and so decided to take the 4x4 first. Clean overtake, even got closer to the Rover than the 4x4; but you've gussed it, the 4x4 wasn't happy and got right onto my bumper.


We drove down the road, full of solid white lines, with the 4x4 glued to my spoiler, whilst I left a huge gap infront. I closed up for the next overtake place where oncoming-traffic stopped me from passing. Into town and 4x4 went to turn off, but before he did so, he was kind enough to gesture to me that he would like to shake my hand (or somthing similar whereby he waved his hand at me, lol, you know what I mean).


Im fed up of people who claim to own and RULE the road.


"my 4x4 cant overtake, so neither can you. I wanted to hog the bumper of the Rover, get outta my way" ~ ***er

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just kick all there heads in :) or just fit minguns to your C and oil slick + other 007 stuff thats real mods, also keep nuts and blots in your side pocket if some one does tailgate you chuck some out it starts the fun.



all dont do :)



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I must admit that i do get a little annoyed with people trying to overtake me, its only really when we are in a big line of traffic going a steady 45-50 in a 50 and everyone is in the same boat. Then you get some moronic vectra driver who is overtaking 1car at a time, trying to fit into the smallest gaps and generally being a pillock.


I recently had a strange encounter with a boro driver on a dual carriage way; I overtook a few cars and pulled back into the left hand lane and i saw this guy coming up from a distance, by this time i was about 200yards infront of the cars i had overtaken and was slowing up behind more cars because the carriageway was ending and the lanes were about to merge. I kept a safe distance from the car infront when i saw the boro driver still coming down the fast lane.


The boro driver got along side me but i kept to the same speed and started getting closer and closer to the side of my car as he ran out of lane, then HE HAD to brake because it was now one lane. He proceeded to flash, hold down his horn and gesture that i was in the wrong until he turned off at the next turning (literally 50yards down the road)


Erm why should i have to brake for him to gain one car? There was a gap behind me 150yards long but he decided that it was my duty to brake to let him in. Looking back it would have been safer if I had, therefore not endangouring my car but i couldn't really believe it at the time.

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you shood of used the oil when he was behind you :p

mate ppl like this are wank drivers up to you what you do, if he looks bigger do nothing :) but if he looks like a wimp give shit back for sure

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you shood of used the oil when he was behind you :p

mate ppl like this are **** drivers up to you what you do, if he looks bigger do nothing :) but if he looks like a wimp give **** back for sure


What, so when you brake he slides into the back of you. Don't be a tool.

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a wee bit of trivia for you... the Brits colonised Australia and New Zealand, and yet over there undertaking on dual/multi-carriageways is legal. go figure :scratch:

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I must admit that i do get a little annoyed with people trying to overtake me, its only really when we are in a big line of traffic going a steady 45-50 in a 50 and everyone is in the same boat. Then you get some moronic vectra driver who is overtaking 1car at a time, trying to fit into the smallest gaps and generally being a pillock. .


Bit of an odd one there. Its not very common to see a 50 where I live, except duel-carriageways - so thats not an issue. I've only seen a few 50mph A roads and can see that they are there for a reason, some nasty junctions or whatever and people dont slow down - but in the main they tend to be quick roads, where common sense is applied.


But if you were talking about a 60*, then I'd be getting quite hacked off with the que of traffic doing 45 too. I get even more hacked when the sheepish kind sit too close to the person infront, meaning those who do want to over take have to take several cars at once. I only condone close driving if you're sure you're going to overtake soon.


Funny vectra got a mention; only the other day I took the folks out for a meal in the gf's Megan. Caught up traffic easily but knew the Megan was in no fit state to overtake - so sat far back, meaning I can relax more. Sure enough a Vaux caught up and overtook; chose not to pop infront of me and proceeded to overtake the next 2 cars at which point they were all passing a crossroads. I think I must have backed off to 30, just waiting for a car to pull out and metal parts to go flying [luckily nothing came]. I'd never attempt to stop someone like that overtaking and would even go to the evasive action of braking if I thought the driver had got it wrong.


* even if it was a 50, who's to say someone cant speed; it may even be an unmarked passing you. And how many people exceed the limit in the more dangerous places - 30's and 40's? Nearly every g*d d*** person; the worst being the ones who aren't even paying attnetion to the road (ref: 'the usual suspects' - ie Mums, mob users, drunks).

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What is it with the ''I stick to 40MPH'' were ever I go poeple..


So you come up behind them on a 60mph road and thay doing 40mph.. Then the road goes down to 30mph through a small town etr and yep thay stay at 40mph... So you slow down to 30 or just over.. Get through the town speed limit goes back to 60 and yep thay are there doing around 40mph. So you find a spot that safe to over take do the move thay flash there light etr etr.. On you going to fast..!!

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I get even more hacked when the sheepish kind sit too close to the person infront, meaning those who do want to over take have to take several cars at once.


It's the whole stupid 'queue jumping' and sheep mentality that P's me off. "I'm stuck here in the Queue, so why should anyone go any faster than me?" So they close up the gap to make it difficult to overtake.

I've even had idiots accelerate as I'm overtaking them, which on a single carriageway is downright dangerous. People like that deserve all the revenge they get....but I'm loathe to sit behind people doing 45 in a 60 just because they're not in any hurry and think that's the speed we should be doing. F'ck em.

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And Kev hits his 17 thousand post mark, :clap: (no, not The clap).


I think we've brought this up before; those people accelerating when being overtook are just a big danger! We're back to OWNING the Road.


What is it with the ''I stick to 40MPH'' were ever I go poeple..


... and Jay brings up another pet hate and making my point much more clear. The amount of times that happens and you just know that when you leave the 30 you'll be catching them up again. Or nearly as bad is when they're behind you - its a regular one when i go home and have left Mr-45 behind in the national and then see him bearing down on my spoiler 1/2 mile into the 30.


As I say I hate it when they get too close. I only do it when ready for an overtake. Just the other day girl on a Corsa caught me as she was easily doing 43 in the given 30 zone; about 3ft from my bumper. I was so miffed that she was too close that I stuck my hand out the window and waved her past. On that note, as I watched in my mirror, I saw her little hand go up to appologies and she dropped back 6 car lengths - showing that she fully knew she was in the wrong.

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