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People Running Front Solid Engine Mounts Please read....

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However - I have had a catastrophic failure of bracket where it completely ripped in half, the only thing that saved my engine was teh strut brace stopping it falling too far.


I've always suspected that the engine mount is at fault, especially as the second bracket is now on its way out!!!


If someone could have beforehand told me that there is a specific fault on the solid front engine mount from John Mitchell (There - I said it - I'm not afraid!) therefore preventing some SERIOUS damage to my engine then I would be very grateful.


From the picture we know that there is a definate fault. So really it's up to John to come on here and state his reasoning. However a major issue is developing with these mounts and ALOT of people are running these. So they NEED to know.


John has always come on here (not for a while now though) and has always been more than helpful and always gone out of his way to make sure that people are satisfied with the products he sells. I'm not slagging him off by telling who it is! I'm just stating facts. Often comments on here can be miconstrued on here due to lack of emotion in thread comments as John himself often says. However on this thread no slagging off is occuring, but people need to know that there is an issue and possbile design fault with his product that needs addressing. We would all like to see him do so.


My 2p

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We appreciate the heads up on this issue but if people don't know what particular product it is they're supposed to be avoiding, then I can't see the value in this thread at this stage.


What special dispensation does this seller have that Stealth and Storm Developments (for example) don't? I mean, they certainly get bashed on here if they make mistakes / sell faulty goods. Double standards I feel.


I don't want this to get too political and shirty, so do us a favour and name the product / seller.


EDIT - I think Blue Joe has just done that!

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However - I have had a catastrophic failure of bracket where it completely ripped in half, the only thing that saved my engine was teh strut brace stopping it falling too far.


I've always suspected that the engine mount is at fault, especially as the second bracket is now on its way out!!!


If someone could have beforehand told me that there is a specific fault on the solid front engine mount from John Mitchell (There - I said it - I'm not afraid!) therefore preventing some SERIOUS damage to my engine then I would be very grateful.


From the picture we know that there is a definate fault. So really it's up to John to come on here and state his reasoning. However a major issue is developing with these mounts and ALOT of people are running these. So they NEED to know.


John has always come on here (not for a while now though) and has always been more than helpful and always gone out of his way to make sure that people are satisfied with the products he sells. I'm not slagging him off by telling who it is! I'm just stating facts. Often comments on here can be miconstrued on here due to lack of emotion in thread comments as John himself often says. However on this thread no slagging off is occuring, but people need to know that there is an issue and possbile design fault with his product that needs addressing. We would all like to see him do so.


My 2p


couldnt have put it better myself! 8)


its something that people need to know about,


Other problems may also be solved with issues like this being brought up as its proof that there is a difference.


i just added a few more piccies on pg 1

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ALSO - Just to answer the get a new bracket comment


I have bought a new bracket - BRAND NEW FROM VW. Within 3-4 months I have already found it starting to tear and it is currently almost an inch long!!! The only reason I haven't replaced it AGAIN yet is that the car is away. It is the first on my list of jobs to do along with throwing the engine mount in the bin



EDIT - And if any other companies out there want me to test and review an approprite replacement on what is a VERY heavily modified car fueled by a driver with a Lead Right Foot to give it some stick with I will only be too happy to oblige and give reviews!!!! :lol:

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hmmm maybe its worth uprating all of them then??


also look at the close ups of the solid mount on pg1....

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Yeah right, so whats the outcome boyz - whats the remedy a new VW bracket and what mount to go with ?{Recomendatios wanted} as i dont want to find i have this problem when i get time to look?????????? your help is needed and appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy:

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I guess i better add my thoughts on this as im the one working on the car. I called mike last night and did not relise it was going to be posted on here but i think i would of done the same if i was to have a call like that.



This is what rung huge alarm bell's when removing the top plate -





Look where the load of the engine is being spread. Im not bothered Who made these mounts, but you can see here the weight distribution is INCORRECT. The height issue also explains why so many people with milltek catbypass pipes have massive issues removing the lambda prope also (think about where this is when the front of the engine is down 20mm).


I feel if the tops of these mounts had the same profile as the mounting Bracket alot of these issues would of not arisen. Maybe the one on this car is a 1off (lets hope so) but i do feel the profile of the top of the mount needs seriously addressing.

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ALSO - Just to answer the get a new bracket comment


I have bought a new bracket - BRAND NEW FROM VW. Within 3-4 months I have already found it starting to tear and it is currently almost an inch long!!! The only reason I haven't replaced it AGAIN yet is that the car is away. It is the first on my list of jobs to do along with throwing the engine mount in the bin



EDIT - And if any other companies out there want me to test and review an approprite replacement on what is a VERY heavily modified car fueled by a driver with a Lead Right Foot to give it some stick with I will only be too happy to oblige and give reviews!!!! :lol:


Steve's got one of mine there sam, You welcome to test that.

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Vibratechnics all the way! Solid mounts destroy subframes. It's basic science. Take away a sprung medium and replace it with metal, something has to give.


I can see why the one on Page 1 is 20mm shorter. When designing new mounts, you have to take into account the compressed size of the OE mounts because uprated ones don't move as much. Could it be that the BBR one is the same height as a standard OE mount (uncompressed) and the other one is the same height as a compressed OE one?

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ALSO - Just to answer the get a new bracket comment


I have bought a new bracket - BRAND NEW FROM VW. Within 3-4 months I have already found it starting to tear and it is currently almost an inch long!!! The only reason I haven't replaced it AGAIN yet is that the car is away. It is the first on my list of jobs to do along with throwing the engine mount in the bin



EDIT - And if any other companies out there want me to test and review an approprite replacement on what is a VERY heavily modified car fueled by a driver with a Lead Right Foot to give it some stick with I will only be too happy to oblige and give reviews!!!! :lol:


Steve's got one of mine there sam, You welcome to test that.[/quote:acd5a]


I have actually seen that one Darren - and being honest it looks like it's more than capable of the job. A very sturdy but not solid engine mount. Thanks for the offer Darren, I'll take you up on it and let everyone know how I get on in about a month!!! However I'll get some pics of it for all to see it over the weekend if that's alright with you!

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the brackets are very poor. i snapped one. i fitted a new othe rone and broke the retainer bits that are metal for the pipes etc off before i got home. the low down of a tuned G60 kills them. i dont think a bad mount would help but i think your bracket would have broken anyway unless you welded it all up.


Somebody design a proper bracket darren

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Somebody design a proper bracket darren


Well the gauntlet has been thrown down there, however I dont think there will be too much you could do to the bracket other than to strengthen the welds by welding both sides of each join to reduce some of the flexibility!

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now lets not take this toooo far :) , the problem has been identified, and has addressed a few answers, thats a good thing IMO, ok not perfect but atleast we have answers and pictures to document such a failure now hey??


maybe we could get someone to get a CNC machined bracket made... 8)

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I can see why the one on Page 1 is 20mm shorter. When designing new mounts, you have to take into account the compressed size of the OE mounts because uprated ones don't move as much. Could it be that the BBR one is the same height as a standard OE mount (uncompressed) and the other one is the same height as a compressed OE one?


This is a very good point Kev. I only have used OEM mounts here but will check Compressed hight of a vibratechnics mount and a OEM one at my next opertunitie.

Again the issues not in the height as much as the fact the top profile of the mount is incorrect to spread the load evenly.

Lets put this to bed now the proplem has been solved and let hope its just a 1off occurance.

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I would imagine my 153 BHP will not be a problem for this mount... Sadly for safetys sake I think i'll get rid of it go back to the standard mount.


Real bummer man, I loved that mount as well!

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I can see why the one on Page 1 is 20mm shorter. When designing new mounts, you have to take into account the compressed size of the OE mounts because uprated ones don't move as much. Could it be that the BBR one is the same height as a standard OE mount (uncompressed) and the other one is the same height as a compressed OE one?


This is a very good point Kev. I only have used OEM mounts here but will check Compressed hight of a vibratechnics mount and a OEM one at my next opertunitie.


The VR6 Vibratechnics are definitely a fair bit shorter than the OE VR mounts as they're really squishy things. I would assume the same of the G60 Vibra' mount, so it'll be interesting to see your findings.

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"Blimey, young haywire reckons these are really squishy.

I'd always thought it was kinda hard.

Must be a generation thing."

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Vibratechnics all the way! Solid mounts destroy subframes. It's basic science. Take away a sprung medium and replace it with metal, something has to give.


I can see why the one on Page 1 is 20mm shorter. When designing new mounts, you have to take into account the compressed size of the OE mounts because uprated ones don't move as much. Could it be that the BBR one is the same height as a standard OE mount (uncompressed) and the other one is the same height as a compressed OE one?


yeah but the bbm one is still taller then the bad one. my one doesnt compress much with the engine on it (its standard) so 20 mm is way too much, mones about 5 mm compression

maybe your right in their idea of design but surely bbm looked into that as well but have left theres taller

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so it deffinately is'nt a one off.... just got back from g-werks minus my new manifold :cry: got to wait for a new delivery of the bbm mounts... you had the last one mike :p really like your car by the way :)


and looking at how low the front of mine is compared to how it should be i seriously reccomend anyone with the same mount to get it changed... theres a big difference.

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Nah, crap thats just what i really didnt need right now, more problems!


Darren, your gonna get another order for a BBM mount to replace the JMR one i have at the moment. Just gonna check the mount plate now, accelerate quite hard the otherday and heard a cracking noise hopefully it was just the wheels loosing traction on a drain cover (I SMEGGING HOPE IT WAS)


Well, Cheers for bringing the problem to everyones attention


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Had a JMR front mount on my Aqua for 30k now, I did the sensible thing and replaced the rear mount at the same time, only replacing the one mount is asking for trouble after being on the car for so long


Fair to say that my JMR mount is the highest mileage one around.


Have got Vibratechnics fiytted to my Nugget, both equally as good and durable as each other in my experience

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Should be interesting to see how that copes with all that power your gonna have matey! 8)

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Sure will........................


But I can tell you I won't be going back to a solid mount (even a BBM one) whatever the outcome. The only other choice would be all round Vibra mounts, but that is EXPENSIVE!

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