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Weird VR6 running temps?

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Finally took the VR out on it's first proper run in 2 months, and the temps were behaving a bit strangely.


It took aaaaaages for the oil to warm up, it sat around 64-66 for a while and eventually (after 20 mins) reached 72-74.


The water sat firmly on 70 for ages, until I stopped still for a minute and it shot up to just over 100. Then soon as I got going again it dropped almost immediately to 70!


What's going on?!?!

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exactly like mine a few months ago - you'll have to go through the rigamarole of replacing sensors and the radiator thermoswitch - its definately and electrical issue and you need to check the cylindrical loom connector directly underneath the aux water pump. Mine was leaking and dripping coolant into the connector causing a short. Also check the loom going into the back of the instrument panel

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Might sound simple, but does your cooling fan spin round? The wiring to my fan motor was knackered and resulted in normal running temperatures as long as I was travelling at a decent speed. As soon as I stopped, the temp got up to over 100 degrees. This was all after I'd had a new thermostat and thermoswitch fitted.


Your problems sound similar to mine... I'd do a simple check to make sure the fan is kicking in ok - could be dodgy wiring (like mine) or a fuse if its not.

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The fan works fine, and behaves as it should.


Thinking about it, could it be a sticky thermostat? Stuck open all the time?


I love being a Corrado owner


:roll: :lol:

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Well it's not the thermostat, I've just replaced that.


So what sensors should I try replacing, and where are they?


I'm now pretty sure the engine is actually getting up to temperature fine, because the fan kicks in and it shouldn't do that until 94 degrees, am I right?


So something is reading wrong, but what? :roll: :?

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Does the electic water pump work? Remove it and run it from a battery in some water to see if it pumps.

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