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Oil leak

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Haven't been driving my VR much of late and noticed an oil leak on RHS of the engine... Had a good look underneath but can't see where it's coming from. Only seems to occur randomly - when it's been standing for a while and then clears up.

Am selling the car so want to get it sorted asap for obvious reasons.

Was thinking maybe the crankshaft seal on the aux-belt pulley but has anyone had similar issues from that side of the engine?

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RHS but as viewed from which direction front or back?

Which part of the engine is the oil seeping to/from?

What colour oil?

How much?

EXACTLY where are you seeing the oil under the car?

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Sorry, RHS from inside the vehicle - so left when viewed from the front. There's an oil trail when I maneuver the car out of the drive about a foot or so in from the side of the car.

Thing is, it's only done it very recently a few times and stops quickly (otherwise I'd have an empty oil system) so I can't replicate it. Also, there's no obvious sign of oil leaking that quickly from that area of the engine and it's pretty clean around there as I changed the sump gasket not long ago.

It's definitely engine oil - so I can only think maybe the crankshaft seal on that side. By why does it clear up after a few seconds and even then only do it randomly?

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Will - sounds to me like oil must be pooling somewhere and then dropping off when you move the car. I note, however, that since *you* changed the sump gasket (I'm guessing it never did it before right), that's the first place to start looking. No offence, but it's easy to overlook something..

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Good point - I would've had to have done something seriously wrong for oil to be leaking past the gasket at this rate, though... and it's pretty clean still around there, plus I changed it in November and it's only started doing it v.recently.

Reckon pooling is definitely a very likely reason - hadn't even thought about it like that - so will get under and have another good look tonight!

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i'm trying to pinpoint an oil leak on mine - its not much, there's never any oil drips but every time i look under teh car its got a nice smearing of oil. It 'looks' like its coming form the mocal sandwich plate, so when i've got a day free i'll pull the front off, clean and reseal it, but i believe there is a dye that can be used in the oil (similar to that used in aircon systems) to check for leaks. Any idea where i can get some from though?

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It's not often enough that someone bumps a thread that's over 4 years old :lol:

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i think someone did one last week from 2003! That *must* be a record.


Anyways, suggestions on this one - i've had this leak from day one when i bought the car, back in 2004, just never got round to sorting it out. But i just cant seem to locate it :( although the rocker cover gasket has been changed as has the sump gasket, so these are/should be ok.

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i think someone did one last week from 2003! That *must* be a record.


Anyways, suggestions on this one - i've had this leak from day one when i bought the car, back in 2004, just never got round to sorting it out. But i just cant seem to locate it :( although the rocker cover gasket has been changed as has the sump gasket, so these are/should be ok.


Oil pressure switch maybe?

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