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1.8 16v runninig temp

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No, it doesn't necessarily mean you bought a shed.


As for being a big job, it depends what tools and ability you have, I did mine comfortably in 2 hours, but I have loads of tools and have waisted half my life messing around with cars.


You need to remove to drain the engine oil, remove the sump, then carefully unclip the windage tray (Black plastic tray) if you have one, and two bolts to remove the pick up. Definately worth reading up in a Haynes manual about oil pump removal to give you a good idea of the job if you plan on doing it yourself.


If you are confident in being able to do it, you will also need a gallon of oil, oil filter and a sump gasket, all of which can be bought from GSF for under £25.


The ticking could just be noisy lifters, it s worth getting the oil pressure checked before doing loads of work i.e. make sure there is an oil pressure problem, rather than a dodgy pressure sender.

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sorry to hijack but


my 2.0 16v runs at about 102 degrees most of the time and goes up to 112 in traffic is this normal


Perfectly normal. Mine does the same. As long as the fan kicks in up over 110, then it should be fine. Keep an eye on the water temp too - possibly consider pulling over and cutting the engine for a short while if you're in a traffic jam on a hot day and the temp goes over 115. This is when you find you had a dodgy hose and splits - so make sure they dont look shoddy now.


As for the thread starter, a fixed fan will do the job (mostly).

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Sorry to be a pain, but im going back to the corrado running temp thread again. So far this thread has been a big help but has not yet covered the little niggle i have with my Corrado.


The problem is that my fan doesnt cut out when i turn the engine off. It comes on at the right times, and doesnt overheat past about 95deg when driving, but when i turn off the ignition and leave the car the bloody thing doesnt turn off for ages. Sometimes if I start the car from cold drive up the road, turn round and come back then turn the car off, the fan comes on, and the engine is still cold!


Ive been unplugging the wires to the fan its self every time I finish a journey, or just not connecting it if i know im going to have a clear run and this is a real pain!


Can anyone advise what might be the problem? And what parts would be worth changing?


Should I try changing the radiator thermo switch mentioned earlier in the thread?


Cheers guys

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