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Brake and clutch

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I got in my 92 SLC VR6 today and the brake light and ABS lights were on. I got in and started driving and the brakes werent working properly. I had to push real hard on the pedal for the car to stop. I was able to drive it home. I dont know whats wrong. i checked the brake pads and they have some life left in them, i checked the fluid and it was topped off. The brake pedal is all the way up and is really stiff,. What could be the problem? some one was saying that air could have gotten in the brake line?? i really dont know. Another thing is my clutch is really soft and when i put the car in reverse it makes a weird noise. Please help. This car is giving me so much problem but i still love it


List of problems


Ignition switch is bad (i have to twist the key and push up)


Sunroof track is broken so the sun roof doesnt shut all the way


the car was over heating because of a busted aux fan


hose leading into the heat exchanger had a hole and was spewing coolant everywhere


Passanger side turn signal melted inwards (WTF)


Clutch is very soft and makes weird noise when i shift it into reverse


Please help with the brake problem and maybe any other problem i have! lol


thanks alot

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on the american cars they don't have a brake servo to assist with braking, instead they use the ABS pump to act as a servo. If your ABS light is on, that normally means that the pump is de-activated so you'll loose all braking assistance - hence the heavy and high pedal.


The clutch being soft and making weird noises could just be that it needs the cables adjusting to make sure they're properly in line, or it could be that the gearbox oil could do with a change, or it could be that your clutch hydraulic system needs bleeding through, or simply that your clutch is on its way out... Difficult to tell without hearing the noise...


To properly diagnose your brakes problem, you REALLY need to hook the car up to VAG-COM and get the error codes read so you know why it's not happy... you may find, however, that simply changing the ignition switch will solve your ABS fault as they are VERY sensitive to power problems... ;)

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Does the abs pump have a fuse that i can take a look at and as for the clutch, when i shift it into reverse its like the gears are slaming agianst each other idk y. And i am sort of confused as to what u said about the ignitiion switch having to do with abs??



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If the ignition switch is faulty, then the ABS brain won't be getting power at the times it expects power during the self diagnostics at engine start. The ABS brain is VERY sensitive to odd power problems, and if the ignition switch IS faulty, then this simple problem could well be the cause of your ABS fault.


The ABS pump DOES have a fuse, but I have no idea which one. Have a look on the bottom of the fuse box cover to find out which fuse it is on your car....


The gear selection problem sounds like either your clutch is dragging (ie. it never fully disengages) which is causing it to crunch into reverse or you have a linkage alignment problem where the gear linkage/cables aren't in the correct position meaning that aiming at reverse with the gear lever isn't quite hitting the right place when the movement gets to the gear selector inside the gearbox.


You may find that simply getting the clutch hydraulic system bled through with some nice fresh brake fluid will stop the crunching into reverse...


Good luck!

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