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1.8 16v

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Hoping for your wealth of knowledge. When the engine is under load a rattle, which i can only describe sound like a diesel engine kind of noise occours. this happens around 3000RPM and continues through the rev range. It sounds as if its from the top end. Cams/Tappets area. Any Ideas? Also Dead on 4000RPM there is another higher pitched grinding rattle like noise that i've no idea about.

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3K sounds like pinking to me.... what fuel are you running it on and have you changed the fuel filter recently?


4K sounds odd, could be anything from the cambelt tensioner through to the cam linkage chain... Any more descriptions on this noise?

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I'm using BP Ultimate exclusivly 97Ron. I've not changed the fuel filter since i've owned it, which is around 8 months not sure when this has been done before. Do you think the fuel is being restricted? Do you think the knock sensor might be faulty sensor and not preventing predetination?

The 4K Noise happens reguadless of load. It only occours at 4K. I thought first it was just something vibrating through resinant frequency, but it sounds more mechanical. . Its quite a metallic noise.Kind of like 'chreeeeessshhhh'!! It lasts the duration of being at 4K.

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I'd say the cam chain as Henny mentioned...... on one of my old MK2 16Vs I used to get the 4000rpm rattle of death too. It was the chain. It's not tensioned like the VR6 and 20VT chains, so when it's worn, you know!!


Stick your noggin over the right side of the cam cover and use a screw driver as a stethoscope and you should be able to confirm if it's fooked.

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1.8 16Vs don't have a knock sensor... they just let you know that they're running lean by the loud PINKING noise! :lol:


Change the fuel filter and see about getting the injectors cleaned and see if that sorts out your loaded 3K noise.


Change the cam chain - it's reasonably easy to do, just triple check (and then check again!) that the cams are timed up properly afterwards! They're not expensive, but you will need a rocker cover gasket as well... That should sort your 4K rattle too...

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