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Chris VR6nos

Brake pads

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Brake pads on your VR6


What you using on your VR?

how much are they?

are they any good?

do they make much dust?

are they a sexy colour?

If there are questions i've forgotten to ask, please answer them too please :wink:






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Pagid RS15


Yes, very

Yep, shed loads

Nope, dull grey colour


I'm thinking of using cork and moss pads next as I do worry about the noxious dust killing cyclists, birds and rabbits.....if they don't get run over first that is.

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black diamond Predator pads on black diamond drilled discs.


Bout 50 notes for the pads


There ok. Honestly not noticed much diference over VAG pads but they have never faded. (yet) although they squeal like bu&&ery


not as much as the VAG ones.




I like em but am looking to upgrade to 288mm next because generaly the brakes on my VR inspire no confidence.

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Thanks for that, i really thought there'd be a few more posts mind.

The £160 is out of my price range and remain in your domain Wyres!

I'm using the 288's and they are excellent indeed, loads of confidence along with the Goodridge hoses.


I'll get something around the £50-60 mark





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Yeah I thought there'd be more posts too, but there are a few brakey related threads already, so maybe peeps can't be ar$e holed to repeat themselves? :-)


Anyway, I knew you'd especially enjoy the price of my pads, LOL! They're race ones, so have a 400% mark up! Check out Endless mate, should be able to get their pads cheaper through your business?


£50-£60..... Mintex Extreme? Pagid Fast Road? Green shat V2 (good apparently)?


Ferrodo DS2500 are a good pad, but get this, they're £130 in the 288 profile.....and you thought my racing pagids were steep!

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How much are the Pagid ones and best place to get from?


It's been many years since i've bought other than regular pads, back in the day i used Mintex 111 or some number like that and they were a hard fast road pad that was impressive when up to temp.





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Mintex 1144? I think they've been superceded with Mintex 'Extreme' now. They won't be horrendous.


Pagid fast roads on the 288 profile are about £45 from GSF IIRC....and they are dusty as hell, thick black gobs of the stuff!

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yeah, you said VR, but they're the same size as G60... :p


Mintex 1144 compound (also known as C-Tech) - Used 'em in both standard G60 brakes and with my Brembo setup and they're very, VERY good...

About £50 IIRC

Very Good - especially if you follow the bedding in procedure properly

Yes, lots of dust (as a good pad should do!)

Black backing colour, but come with Funky blue anti-squeek backing stickers


Ferodo standard jobbies from Halfords

about £25

utter crap, take hours to warm up and then fade horribly under heavy braking

very little dust

Black backing.

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Ok well i've gone and got some Mintex Extreme, £67.99 but will be getting some discount off that, will be at the shop on Monday i expect so we will see what's what with them, i do rate Mintex so hope these are decent.







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Ferodo standard jobbies from Halfords

about £25

utter crap, take hours to warm up and then fade horribly under heavy braking

very little dust

Black backing.


Ive got those, with some Tar-Ox grooved discs and I have to say, they really arent that bad. Admittedly I havent tried anything more substantial yet, but they seem to be ok.

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Chris VR6nos, just make sure you follow the bedding in procedure (if they have one, look at the mintex website for details) else they may not be particularly great when cold... the old 1144s really needed bedding in to make 'em any use at all when cold... ;)

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Felt the scrape of needing new pads myself this morning, but can't wait for delivery of any funky ones (Going to Scotland on Wednesday).


Are all the motor factors pads (ie Ferodo & the like) garbage?


Stealers want £37.60 for a set of front-uns for mine. Should I stay oem?

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Yeah Pagid FR were what I'd promised myself when the time came to change, but looks like I've left it too late to pick any up now.

Think I'll have to 'keep it real'


Sorry Chris. [/Thread hijack]

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Well i have the Mintex Extreme pads on the back seat of the VR and have been there for a while, i'm sure i'll get round to fitting them soon enough but can't find any bedding in instructions from what i've seen on websites but then again there might be some instructions in the box! Now there's a thought :lol: i'll have to look.





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Don't need to worry too much about bedding pads in, it's just discs you need to pay attention to bedding procedures. Just some progressively firmer pedal presses over the first 20 miles should do it.


The hotter you get the pads during initial wearing in phase, the more the resins bake through and 'prepare' the pad for the remainder of it's life. Too many people are too ginger with new brakes and they never realise their full potential.


Some useful links -


http://www.balancemotorsport.co.uk/main ... ory=Brakes



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