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Startup problem when engine warm (16v)

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OK a quick (maybe) update, finally got round to swapping the injectors Saturday mornin, all went ok and as planned until coming to fit the end caps to my new injectors.


The old injectors were not a matching set (3 of one type and 1 of a different type; they were all Bosch jobbies however) i.e. 3 of the injectors had a flat end (the end which the fuel sprays from) and one had a concave end (the new set are concave ended), so only 1 out of the 4 end caps fitted (the other 3 had a gap between the endcap and the injector). So i'm looking at this thinking it can't be right but i'll never know if i dont try them in the engine. So try it i did.


The engine took some cranking to get going but after about 20 secs fired into life. Took her for a quick run round the block, and the car had about as much power as a pushbike and was kangarooing like mad. Gutted. Went to Midland VW, who told me the end caps should come with the new injectors and if mine didnt then they are designed to be used without them, and said i should try them with the endcaps removed.


So i heads home to remove the endcaps and, you've guessed it, the injectors have come away leaving the endcaps in the inlet manifold. :cry:


So i now need to remove the lower section of the inlet manifold to get the buggers out. Unless anyone here has a suggestion to get the swines out. Tried some long nose pliers, tried fishing them out with a bit of bent wire but they're stuck fast.


Happy days... :cry:

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unlucky mate, best get the end caps out before ther cause more damage have you tried a strong magnetic pen

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One of mine kept falling off but it came out with a piece of bent wire. They're larger than the injector insert so there's not really any chance of them ending up in the engine.


I think there's supposed to be a small gap at the end of the injector. According to the Bosch book the end cap is supposed to aid fuel atomisation by drawing turbulent air through the end cap.

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not tried a magnetic pen, doubt it would pull them out tho, they're in too tight. the bent wire trick almost worked, but kept un-bending?? before it even moved the buggers. thought about maybe trying to screw a self tapper thru the end cap and removing the end cap with pliers. i'll try anything to avoid gettin the inlet manifold off... :p

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Yeah, I'd definitely be exhausting all other avenues before I took the manifold off. It'll only take you half an hour though if it comes to it.

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Right then, its done!! :D


the C now starts from any temp, idles better and performs better too!!



Used a 3" woodscrew to get the endcaps out. (screwed thru and pulled out with pliers, so managed to get the job done without removing the inlet manifold!)


Been called a "bodger" all weekend though for wimping out, but hey, got it done.


All, thanks for your help and input...


Cheers guys...

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Scratch the last comment!!


Used the C yesyerday for a decent run, left for prob 45 mins got back in and she would only fire on 2 or 3 pots until revved hard. (Same prob as B4!)


Really thought it'd been sorted doing the injectors but obviously not so!?


Anyone got an idea of what to try next and which the cheapest option would be?


Cheers guys...

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