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chaz g60


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After running right down on fuel but not quite running out, my g60's cutting out after starting and when reved it just dies?

So i changed the fuel filter while in work today and it's still dying seems like it's run out of petrol but has quarter of a tank.

I'm thinking fuel pump now but would driving around on low fuel damage the pump??

Could there be an easier solution?

anyway i'll be on the bus home now and she'll be locked up in work over night so any help or advice would be a help

Cheers Chaz. :cry:

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I would've gone for the fuel filter too. But if its electrical related, can you use vagcom? People go on about crudd at the bottom of the tank, but that the old rusty ones; I presume you run it low normally; so probably coincidence.


Presume its getting everything ok; fuel / air. Its easy to check the air stuff. Then get onto the fuel lines/pump etc.

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